Reminder: Anthony's Google photo is his mugshot

130  2016-04-08 by Phantas_Magorical


ESD's will be soon too.

Inshallah brother

I imagine that rumbling "INSHALLAH BROTHER" is how Hulk Hogan would thank the owner of a halal restaurant if they make a really good falafel pita.

Lol, I didn't even think about that. I'm Muslim and our more religious kind call each other brother or sister.

Haha, I bet now you're going to think about this at some inconvenient time. I'm not a Muslim, but some of my Muslim friends taught me a couple of Arabic words. Inshallah, bismillah, asalam malekum, etc...

When you can pronounce the 'ayn, you will be ready.

I spot an Afghan

Opie didn't ruin this completely. impressive.

I like how that and the Tyson pic are what people know him from

It's the one that most accurately portrays what he looks like.

Millionaire can't find a comb before the cops show up. Stay Classy AC!

Haha, the guy who rants about black crime all day has a mugshot fit his Google pic.

You told the darkies good, Ant

And Homeless Fez and Dave with his shitty tattoo. Perfection.

Was that a "Ron Bennington" search?


What the fuck is going on with Ron Diaz's photo?

He's half black.

Marijuana butter

I can't even feel my own nose

Jim looks like a fucking bird

I wonder how they figure out what that picture should be

Why does every post need to start with "Reminder:" now?

Because so few things rise to the importance of "Never Forget:"

Because I suck cock

I had a feeling that was the reason.

The North forgets.

The South lost



That's terrific

LOL, Gregg isn't on the "people also searched for" for Ron Bennington?


What a pantheon of genetic disasters.

That's awesome

Still the best looking guy there.

Reminder: you're a needy faggot

I'm very aware

He's half black.

I can't even feel my own nose

Opie didn't ruin this completely. impressive.