The trailer for The Office movie is out...

18  2016-04-07 by Ant_Sucks


No Steven Merchant means it will be shit.

What happened between them? Did they have a falling out?

"Monkeys have the pointiest eyes that protrude right out of their head.........Steve"

There's speculation, but nothing concrete.

While it's possible that the two have had a falling out, the official word is that they are just working on their own projects. This started with Hello Ladies, which is about terrible dating experiences in Merchant's life. Since Gervais has been with his girlfriend for 30 years, Merchant felt that he wouldn't be able to relate to the story, and decided to do the project solo.

I loved hello ladies, too bad that got canceled, you could see how Merchant was actually a great writer

I always loved him and Karl on those old XFM radio shows and podcasts they did, Merchant would get so frustrated.

The time Karl didn't pass along the voice over work message to Merchant is the best fight in radio history, Ricky keeps the fight going. They really are a great trio

You see the movie?

Movie? Had no Idea!

It was a hbo special wasn't in theaters or anything

Gervais has been with his girlfriend beard for 30 years

I'll pass. And what's with the overplayed, emphasized, and trailing "...hueeeeh" at the end of his sentences indicating a feeble laugh? Is that the character's new "thing"? I sure hope "Derek" makes a cameo.

To this day i don't know what the fuck was Derek supposed to be. It wasn't funny, it wasn't dramatic and it wasn't philosophical. It was like watching security tapes. And this is coming from someone who enjoys fucking Horace and Pete.

Gervais got in big trouble in the UK for using the word 'mong', so he thought I'll make a sweet TV show about a retard to prove how sensitive I am. It was completely trashed over here by the way, how it got nominated for big America awards I don't know.

The majority of critics, in the UK at least, agreed with you. It got shat on here.


I think it's very sweet

i liked hello ladies but it wasn't amazing. Hard to see where he goes next though.


I know his work has been getting shitter and shitter for a long time but this is a complete pisstake.

I judged him for doing shitty cellphone carrier commercials here in the good old U.S. of A.

The clip seems true to the original. I actually liked his song.

It looks terrible. As if a lookielike was doing a youtube sketch.

Gervais has not done anything great since extras. He wasn't even the funny one on his own podcast.

Youre nucking futs. An Idiot Abroad is/was awesome

Yeah but that's not really Ricky's doing is it

Life's Too Short has a couple of good scenes

But i assume they were written by Merchant anyway.

I mean, I just don't see what the point in going back to the David Brent character is. No matter how funny the movie is there's a 99% chance it doesn't come close to as amazing as the british Office was. It just seems like a lose-lose situation. Plus, Gervais seems like he could get anything he wants made, why re-visit your best and most well known character?

Because everything else he tries gets trashed and he is desperate to be liked.

Trashed? Extras was great, I didn't care for Derek but it got nominated for a bunch of emmys.

Yeah Extras was good. I used to be a big fan up until about 2010 but since then he's just become insufferable. And Derek was trashed in the UK, it just got nominated for big awards in America because the Gervais name still carries some weight.

Where's Jim and Pam and Dwight?

Oh that's the American version

where's Martin freeman?!?

Wheres Mac, Dennis, and George Micheal ?


wow... alright i adore gervais. but it annoys me how he doesnt just let the office be the office. it was fantastic how it was. be done with it. this looks terrible. it would have been totally out of place to have brent doing cum jokes in the original show

i agree. its sort of like if seinfeld released a new movie with the old characters and no larry david involvement.

He said years ago that he would never go back to it, never do any more episodes, a film whatever. Guess he's running low on material. Agree with the jizz joke, Brent in the series would have stopped himself before actually saying it, looked around nervously, asked someone who didn't say anything "what?" and then looked at the camera in a pained but trying to keep it together way. This looks dreadful, like a bad impression of the original character.

you think that is fucked, then check this out man

HA! She wants to send money to the heroes but THEY ARE the heroes! hehe

Is that Ugly Betty? Remember when she walked in on Lady Di naked, covered in shit and vomiting into the sink at Sirius?


Ricky's fake over-exhaled laugh is almost as bad as Ant's

HAHAHAHAHA, goddamn...


Aye nye

That's so overbaked, and the forced "not-white" Dawn character shoehorned in (the desk lady). It looks like a poor imitation of the original series. And agreed, without Steve this will be dirge!

I wonder if Jim is gonna pretend to like the office when Gervais comes in.

Well, he clearly loves the office. He quotes it every other day. Just a couple of days ago he said "ex-squeeze me, that's one of mine"

It's not an office movie, it's a David Brent movie.

This is everything the Chip cartoon wanted to be but couldn't



I downvoted because of your edit about downvotes.