xpost: Milo Helps Disney With Casting for Rogue One Movies (Schumer Joke)

37  2016-04-07 by lordofallshit


Fuck cares about milo. Ooooh I'm gay so gay gay gay gay so it makes me special and my opinion really matters. As he vocally jerks off

His opinion doesn't matter more because he's gay. His opinion matters more to SJWs because he's gay.

They dont have any tactic to combat him because hes on the "minority grievence index". They cant use pop psycology to deconstruct him because they are bigots and genuinely cant FATHOM why an "oppressed" person would hate them.

Ignoring him works.

They are literally incapable of ignoring someone like him. They are the ones keeping him in the news. They act like fucking children at his speeches smearing symbolic period blood on their faces.

No one pays attention to him. And the few that do deserve their stupidity. He's a clown. Finding his own level.

You're wrong. He is on a college tour now and SJWs protest every appearance. They only make him more famous, but they do it in order to promote themselves into the ranks of professional victims.


Cmon now.

I'm sure he has more people reading his articles than Opie has listeners. Not that, that is "famous", but it is a level of celebrity few journalists achieve. I bet if you asked people to name ten current non televised journalists, his name would come up more often than not. Even people that read huffpo/slate/ect know him, because they don't like him.

You're delusional.

My mother's and old idiot who knows nothing about pop culture or anything and even she knows who he is, long before I ever mentioned. The guy is extremely famous now.

Hmm. Where is he getting publicly. Your mom is old? Go figure.

Fuck cares about /u/madshop . Ooooh I'm gay so gay gay gay gay so it makes me special and my opinion really matters. As he typographically jerks off

even as a kid I thought it was fucking stupid to name the fat guy Porkins. George Lucas...

It was the best thing lucas ever did

actually you're right. You totally changed my mind about Porkins.

Posting this here is the same as posting it on ShitRedditSays. SJW's hate Milo and this subreddit is littered with those little faggots.

That dude openly derided all the people he would go on to patronize with his breitbart, gamegate schtick. He's the other side of the same coin as Amy, oh I can make money from these knee jerk rubes cus I sure do has my bank vault open and ready to!

Milo supports Trump.strengthening Libel laws. He's not anti SJW, he's just fucking stupid.

You support Lena dunham.. fucking kill yourself

Ha ha. Lol.

You are a SJW that does nothing but preach about how Muslims are oppressed. You realize we have access to your post history, right?

cool, then leave faggot.


What a surprise... your last post is a picture of you at a Bernie Sanders rally. Clearly projecting with the "faggot" comment... kill yourself


Ewww, what kind of faggot goes through peoples comments looking for a comeback.

One that realizes hell only have to look down one comment to see that some faggot SJW thats "feeling the Bern" found out about this forum from Jezebel...

Yeah I found out about it from Jezebel, which is why I've been posting here for years. Linger longer shitdick.

Gross. Bern yourself with lighter fluuuuuuuuid and a match you SJW yuppie trash. Jezebel is the mirror universe to this lush green meadow of free speech you find yourself posting in.


You have to gauge what type of faggot you are dealing with. Especially the SJW crowd.

well he found one

Milo stinks, he's a unfunny Greek homo who panders to fucking homophobes, it's embarrassing. It came out last week he doesn't even write his own garbage articles, fuck his shitty surname too.

Yeah, i'm sure his 44 interns wrote those articles. You were fooled by buzzfeed you dope.

Milo being an obvious phony to get attention from retarded red pills and Gamergaters? C'mon now. Stop kiddin' around.

Go back to the DailyKoS.

Milo is fucking atrocious. He's a walking Internet troll and not in a good way.

He's an Ann coulter knockoff. I respect he's doing it for money.
Edit: I think he's a douche. I'm just saying I get that he's doing it for cash/exposure.

At least Coulter is a lawyer.

This guy hasn't done shit but be a token gay.

He's going to do a speech at Yale dressed as a Indian on the anniversary of Yale's controversy about Indian costumes which is funny.

He is uniquely positiond to shit on progressivism. He should be towntrodden, oppressed and thankful to them but for they just cant understand why a gay would hate them and their regressive ideology.

He is an opportunist.

He enjoys getting the same boner out of right wingers that Islamist terrorists get when some American asshole like John Walker Lindh joins them.

Just wanted to point out, that this piece of shit didnt even make the easter power ranking. That means that out of thousands of votes and about 40 show related people (including reddit posters). No one remembered this faggot


Aren't you that guy that still defends Kurt Metzgers honor a daily basis?

He's not show related though.

He's not part of the O&A Universe, he's commenting on someone who is. You fairy .

how edgy of you fucking self hating faggot (meaning he hates himself because it's wrong to be homosexual in the bible which he actually follows)

Yeah, that is strange. According to his scripture, he will burn forever in hell-fire for putting his dinky in a guy's butt. And somehow, he is still going along with it. To each their own, I guess.

not only that, he was on Rogan saying how he will burn in hell and crazy shit like that, it's one thing to be gay and christian but this guy is fucking strange in his self hate

milo > you're gay ass

"you are gay ass"


your gay ass

my mistake

gay ass

how is my ass gay if you're the lord of all shit, it just dosen't make sense

your ass is gay because u let guys fuck you in there. duh.


Milo is a boring cunt. We get it dude, feminists stink--we heard you the 87,000th time you made the same point over and over. Even though he shits on the SJWs, he has the same unreasonable political bias they do, and the same self-flagellating guilt for being gay that they have for being white, male, and/or straight. He and others like him are just the other side of the coin.

Are you really on the official subreddit of Beating Dead Horses, telling someone else "We get it dude" ??

Fair enough, sir. Fair enough.


Hes not telling us... hes telling them so they act like the crazies they are and regular people see SJWs for what they are.

But is that really necessary? You can go on Tumblr and see their idiocy first hand. The trolling doesn't expose them any more than their own bullshit does.

milo's schitck is an act to troll, sjws are serious


So you're saying he's a dishonest idiot? Great. (Work on the white knighting a bit stupid, then come back to me. Practice makes perfect.)

im saying he's a troll and you fell for it. moron.

Yes, I'm aware that guys like Milo, Gavin, and others are doing a character. That doesn't mean their not cunts, nor does it give a pass to their fan-bases, who take them seriously/semi-seriously.

But I'll give you credit, your ballwashing skills are improving. Keep at it young padawan, you'll be a master-douche in no time. And learn what capitalization is while you're at it. Gawd speed!

Im a nerd and i cringed when you said padawan. Ew

I'll concede being gay enough to reference the prequel trilogy. But to be fair, it was supposed to be sarcastic. I guess that was lost on you, but that's okay--mild autism is nothing to be ashamed of. And be honest, your lips moved when you read that, weren't they?

Aw i didnt mean to hurt you. Youll be ok kid... ill get you an ice cream on the ride home

Youll be ok kid... ill

What do you have against apostrophes sir?

lol, every post in ur history is about opie and anthony

you're a GIANT nerd

i want to give u a wedgie and push u into a locker

i want to give u a wedgie and push u into a locker

And I want to sodomize your mother with a fishing knife. But we can't always get what we want, can we?

cringe at least he's trying?

Ha ha. Lol.

But is that really necessary? You can go on Tumblr and see their idiocy first hand. The trolling doesn't expose them any more than their own bullshit does.