It's been over a year since Opie and Ant had the twitter battle. Denny still stole the show

122  2016-04-07 by Dennyislife


He's too good for this world.

Bless him.

Like the fool in King Lear, he's the only one making sense.

Why do old people care about Twitter. I am in my twenties and nobody I know even has a twitter account

its old people who care about facebook that are the worst. And you know them too. I had to jump off facebook to stop myself hating family members.

Deleted my Facebook when my mom sent me a friend request and haven't went back since.


story of my life

Because old people who missed the MySpace train thought they could use Twitter the same way

I use it to follow journalists. Follow the people that cover politics in your state's largest newspapers. I've learned all kinds of shit.


2015-04-05 03:05:59 UTC

Yuck you want to do a radio bit? Stop manipulating the haters and exaggerating the truth and I'll meet you for a beer @AnthonyCumia


2015-04-05 04:56:50 UTC

@OpieRadio @AnthonyCumia did somebody say beer? I'm in for a nice cold Miller high life!

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Did anyone else really want his intro for Unmasked to have been done for O&A?

Denny is love. Denny is life.

Praise his name.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled...

Progeria piss God.

Dennis was all in..... Sniff

Denny fucking rules!

I'd go for a beer at Denny O'Falcone's

was opie taking low key shots at anth's alcoholism with the constant "lets meet for a beer" I'd rather meet over a nice steak. If Im having personal issue with someone alcohol might only make it worse, especially if the other party is likely to show up already drunk and on pills.

Anthony has a beer in his hand in practically every photo taken of him, so there's a good chance "beer" might appeal to him. Also, why would he ask Anthony out on a dinner date? Men who hate each other mend fences over a beer, not a candlelit table for two at a steakhouse.

its not a dinner date, its a manly meal. it says "i dont really care if you were here or not, im here for the steak."

hahaha you resolve conflicts in the gayest way.

You are reaching somewhat

You are reaching somewhat

Anthony has a beer in his hand in practically every photo taken of him, so there's a good chance "beer" might appeal to him. Also, why would he ask Anthony out on a dinner date? Men who hate each other mend fences over a beer, not a candlelit table for two at a steakhouse.