Looks like Ant deleted another post!

0  2016-04-07 by Timmy_branmuffins


Nice try, faggot. A bot saved what was written in his 19 year old tweet.

Faggot? I'm starting to think you don't like me anymore 😢

When people make fake tweets, they tend to use a web browser's developer tools to change the html and then take a screenshot. They don't use photoshop, you moronic faggot. You used the wrong font and left some extra pixels here and there. Your entirely botched attempt to deflect attention from your hero has left you looking like a large idiot.

Does OP not remember all the fake twitter convo's ppl on this sub were posting not too long ago?

Holy shit, this is one of the most pathetic things I've seen in twenty years of Internet weirdos

Who's the moronic faggot? I literally tweeted this from my own account and pasted it over the other fake tweet.. So if it's from Twitter how can it be the wrong font?

Err derp..

well then you stretched it like a retard. it's too tall.


This is actually a testament to how stupid OP truly is, not the other way around...

The original one posted wasn't a Photoshop, you Keith ass kissing, snitching shitstain: https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/4dmcf1/ant_update/d1s8s4e

Agree with /u/ILoveYouJohnnyCakes. If the moron got ahold of his phone (earlier real tweet) you know he checked the board. My guess - tweeted - checked Reddit - immediately deleted. Feel free to treat my ribs like whack-a-mole but I would really like to see AC pull up before it all becomes JAL 123.

You are embarassing.

Good effort; D-.


The Julia Roberts movie?

It's the sequel

Ant alt confirmed

He ratted out the sub to Keith on twitter for sharing how to rip TACS episodes from their own website without paying. He's not Ant but certainly an aspiring basement barnacle.

i wanted this to be real and for it to have been a hoax. the 19 year old heroin addict thing is just fucking depressing.

Well if anyone had any worries that a sober Ant isn't funny...either that or SAMCRO asked him to do anything to run some interference for him before faux Bono stabs him.
