Today on TGMS, Gavin called Joe Cumia an "Unbelievable fuck up."

47  2016-04-06 by [deleted]

He gets it.


He can try to get in with us as much as he wants. It aint happening try hard.

I don't think that's what it is as I remember it being said months ago that Brother Joe hated Gavin & I would wager the reason for that was Gavin started the whole Torpid Sloth shit which deteriorated Ant's (& by extension, Joe's) biggest meal ticket; Opie.

I don't know. I'd consider jumping on the wagon if he really starts plastering him on a regular basis.

I like him. I think his talk about how to be a man is stupid as fuck since it's coming from a guy who obsesses so much about his hair and pocket squares, but he's ok.

He's awful. Literally nothing funny or insightful about him. If you're neither one of those things then you offer nothing and should be shot.

He can he funny, I've laughed hard as hell at some things he's said or done. I also wouldn't say he's insightful, but I like that he has a unique perspective on things, regardless if I agree or not.

His perspective is not at all unique or interesting. Go into any place on the internet where 18-35 year old basment dwellers congregate and you can see his 'unique perspective' being spewed.


No problem, 12 year old girl with an iPhone.

You seem much more invested in this than I am. I say his perspective is unique, you say it's not. Ok. Where did you think the conversation would go from there?

I'm with ya on this one. I've watched a bunch of YouTube clips with Gavin and I generally think he's pretty great, and you rarely hear anyone say the type of stuff he says on any type of media platform.

How am I invested "in this" by making fun of your little-girl-like usage of 'K.'? Relax, bitch.

Oooh an Internet tough guy! Love these guys!


You guys need to learn how to read without protecting your own narrative onto things. It's kind of... Yknow, retarded.

yeah I feel the same way about him. His show isn't a must watch for me but I'll have it on as background noise in the morning sometime.

His show is the only one in the network that I watch every day, ESD's show is good too but it seems repititive

Gavin is hilarious, and most people like him. Somebody was putting his podcast up on you tube illegally. And it was up for about 10 days, and the channel already had about 5,000 subscribers. Gavin's podcast is very good.

Most people like him? Most people don't know him. Also, having a lot of people that like you doesn't mean shit. A lot of people like Opie & Anthony. That doesn't make them good.

Most people don't like Gavin at all. From all reports he's a complete and utter shitbird who thinks he's brilliant and creative when all he does is rip ideas off of other people and take the credit. And he's still boring and unfunny. I would enjoy watching him get beaten but alas, that's in his past. For now.

I'd like to see him get on this reddits bad side.

Now THAT would be entertainment. It's probably only a matter of time. He's pretty inherently hateable.

I think this place would finally have a war on its hands in that case.

I don't know. I don't think he has the stones. I think he'd fold at even slight pressure. He's all talk. And beard. Still, I'd love to see it.

That's the thing, he's all talk, so he'd go down screaming and it'd be hilarious.

I would pay actual cash to see that happen. Froth on the beard, pocket square askew, telltale lisp on full display. And it'd be the first enjoyable show he ever did, so win win.

Perfectly quaffed hair now a mess

And what's a Man's Man to do when that happens?

Blame liberals, obviously. Everyone needs a boogeyman.

"Be the change that you want to see in the world. Also, we don't have to do that in the street anymore, there are these things called toilets that- guys? Helloooo? Where the fuck did everybody go?"

M. Gandhi

This morning he was talking about how he's been pissing the bed drunk lately and his wife is disgusted/scared. He's pissed both the couch and his bed (and his kid was sleeping in it) since he started drinking again. He has real moments every once in a while. I can't stand his political shit and generally he has really myopic thinking, but he's entertaining. Proud of my boyyyyyy.

He's heading for a divorce at light speed.

I wonder how fast his view of people that get divorced will change.

"That whore! That dirty whore! Keeping my kids from me, just because I lost control of my bladder from drinking in front of them! Dirty, stealing whore! Don't get married. You're a loser if you do!" I'd imagine it'll be something along those unhinged lines. Oh and he'll drop Catholicism like it's hot too. Fuck those kids! They're too much like their mother!

Guy certainly hasn't preached his "transphobia is normal" horseshit since his boss flew a transgender boy across the country to fuck her.


He's great. He has the balls to confront stupid guests on their shit. He makes libs rage like no other

Don't fall for Gavin's tricks. Pandering to the reddit crowd is like paying protection money to the mob; Cumia did it for a while, but they all run out of money eventually and that's when thumbs start getting broken.

I said the other day pandering to Reddit is like borrowing money from the mob.

"Great minds think a lot." - Vos

So that's why his thumb was trembling.

i think gavin is funny but 70%+ of the things that come out of his mouth have the same level of intelligence as a pelican squawking aimlessly

Tsss more like a pelican't or sumpthin tsss

fawkin killin it

double guns suck cocka!

What was the context?

He was saying that anyone that has a kid is better than someone without. He said he's better than Ant, then asked if Joe had kids. Garett said he did, then he said that despite Joe being an unbelievable fuck up, Joe's better than Garrett cuz Garrett doesn't have kids. Not much there.

Yeah it's really difficult to procreate. Takes a real genius. That Gavin is a slave to logic.

He's just very naive, thats all that is. An insecure naive dude who tries to overcompensate.

He's a little baby manchild who wants his own way in everything like a 3-year-old and screams and rants when he doesn't get it all while pretending he's some kind of intellectual. He is Anthony Cumia from Canada with a retarded beard and hipster clothing. they both suck, they're both hacks, they're both not funny and they both need to get the fuck off the air.

He got fired for fucking up at his job, and his partners who were good at what they did legally had to give him money that he didn't earn. And now he's rich and convinced that he earned it, but nothing he does on his own is culturally relevant. Sound familiar?

Are they really "on the air" if this is basically a video podcast?

I meant breathing air. They need to stop.

Why watch?

Few do

Send me the link to where you get the sub info. You're very enlightened to the goings on at the network so I assumed that you watched every minute.

Nope, humor subreddit, fag.

Can you link me to the humor?

Fawk ur makin it rite now chippahson


Who's saying he's a genius? Even he doesn't say that about himself.

You're sounding a little fucboiish at this point.

I thought only tumblr users used the term "fuckboi", but I see you wrote it with a "c".. I didn't realize wannabe crips were fans of OnA.

Stop being a fuckboi, fuckboi.

holy shit

gavin mcinnes is just the worst

Was he talking about the Facebook post he made. What about the fucking tweet ant just sent out too. If it's on now I'll call in if you have r the number

How far in was it do you know? Like around what timestamp if you're able to remember the closest one to it by any chance?

Around 17:30.

Most people don't like Gavin at all. From all reports he's a complete and utter shitbird who thinks he's brilliant and creative when all he does is rip ideas off of other people and take the credit. And he's still boring and unfunny. I would enjoy watching him get beaten but alas, that's in his past. For now.