Ant update

85  2016-04-06 by kevin121312


This whole rehab situation is going to have the opposite-effect that it should have. He is in a place surrounded by legitimate junkies who have no job and are abject failures and he is measuring himself against them and thinking "Hey, this is what having a problem looks likes... Sure, I get drunk and have had some professional and legal issues but NOTHING like what these people are doing! My issue is just that I live a celebrity lifestyle and need to just mature a little. It isn't the booze... it's just that I like to have fun." He's going to walk out of rehab 100% convinced that he has no problem with addiction because he isn't one of the losers who was stealing money to buy crack. He's just a guy who likes to have fun who had a "crazy bitch" put him in a rough spot.

you're right

He's going to get addicted to H through some floozy :D


Only hope he has is by some miracle he enjoys being sober more than drunk.

That is really sad.

And he would be right! Ant does NOT have an alcohol problem! The only problem he has is that he likes crazy, drug addicted, bitches, with daddy issues.

You don't think his alcohol abuse is what leads him to bring girls like Dani around? And you don't think SiriusXM being pissed with him for coming into work hungover/calling off work cause of his drinking is an issue? Or his drinking and driving? When your drinking leads to professional and legal issues and you still don't slow down and try to blame everyone and everything but yourself you have some issues. A sober Anthony would have no interest in a drug addict psycho staying at his house. That's his own fault.

He brought Dani around because he is an average looking 50 something year old and she is a decent looking 20 something year old! His dick may have clouded his judgement but not alcohol! SiriusXM never once had a problem with him drinking, it was his political views and questionable tweets he made. Anger may have clouded his judgement but again alcohol didn't.

Would he be wrong about any of that, though? I mean...all of what you said is actually true. Why shouldn't he walk out convinced that he doesn't have a problem? Or, at least, that he's able to control his problem (read: his behavior) enough that it isn't really a problem; at least not like it is for the guy stealing money to buy crack.

Because apparently he can't control his behavior. He was hammered drunk when he slapped Dani around. SiriusXM was pissed at him about showing up to work hungover and calling off work because of his drinking. He was definitely drunk when he was attacked in Times Square and then sent out that series of tweets that led to him being fired. He talks about how he has/does drink and drive.

If he stays in his house and drinks himself into oblivion and doesn't smack anyone around then there is no issue outside of him jeopardizing his own health. If he is convincing himself that alcohol hasn't had a negative impact on him then he is just rationalizing his behavior. Surrounding yourself with people worse than you isn't a valid way to examine your own issues. Anyone can find a bum on the street with his lips around a bottle and say "hey.. I'm not as bad as this guy!"

And now he's going out of his way to let us know that he's still treating it all like a joke. He really is sick as fuck and his true rock bottom is being bankrupt and in jail.

Well let's see...

Since July of 2014, Anthony has been fired from his job with pretty much zero chance of ever getting it back or working in radio in general again.

He beat the shit out of his girlfriend, the daughter of a well known comedy club owner, thus setting off a series of never-ending court dates, which further eliminated most people wanting to associate with him at all. It forced him to check himself into rehab so that the judge will maybe be more lenient when his sentencing comes, and we still don't know ultimately what will end up happening with that.

He had his guns taken away.

He now does an Internet show for a few hundred people at best.

His thumb violently twitches from the alcohol or Xanax shakes.

He ranges from translucent to a sickly shade of yellow, depending on how much alcohol is swirling through his blood stream at any given time.

He's aging in dog years.

And he's not-so secretly gay and gave a tranny hush money so that she wouldn't admit that they were an item.

All of this within a span of less than two years. But yeah, he's still rich, so he doesn't have to steal when he wants to buy crack.

Because saying "well it could be worse", although true, doesn't change the fact that he's a raging alcoholic who has pissed away his life because of his drunken behavior. Why wait until you're homeless to do something about it?

Say problem again.


2016-04-06 15:47:03 UTC

Hey, got my phone for a bit. Doing really well. My judgment isn’t much better though. I think I’m in love with a 19yr old heroin addict.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

TweetPoster saves the day...

(Yes, I know it's a bot, but did any of you fuckers save the tweet before it was removed? No? All-right then.)

There's a website too. That's how we got all the bro Jo racist tweets

God damn this completely serious, not joking at all man. Mother FUCKER.

What's his name?

It's just east side dave in a wig.

It always was.

Dani is in his rehab facility?

What a fucking moron. I'm sure the prosecution would love to show that to the judge. Really undercuts the sincerity of going to rehab.

......... this is a fake acct, right? 19 YO heroin addict.... and this ugly old idiot can save her?

Ant still rocks, Nurse Ratched hasn't broke him yeT

This fucking bozo is beyond help.

To anybody that said Ant was taking this even a little bit seriously: you're a fucking fool.

I don't recall anyone saying that

Jim Norton sure seemed to think so. He was blowing Ant about how good this will be for Ant and how much better Ant will be because of this, etc. He was praising Ant for "deciding" to get help. Apparently he thought Ant was being genuine about this whole thing. Hell, that's why Jim was doing his show when Ant made the rehab announcement.

I think he was taking the tack of "if I treat this seriously, maybe he will too."

And then he joins him in joking about it on Twitter. His signals are as misdirected as the points of Opie's supple tits.

I thought he was referring to people on this sub saying that Ant was taking this seriously

I was and it did happen a lot, if you go to the announcement thread for when Ant's rehab was made official you'll see a lot of people with "maybe this is what he needs, he'll come back a new man in 30 days" kind of messages.

Don't forget the OnA reunion that is sure to happen soon!

Don't give Ron a pass. Ron was lapping it up too. And Ron never stopped doing Tranth's show. Ron is as big an enable as there is. No pun intended.

You must have watched a different show than I did. I thought Ron seemed a bit miffed at all the jokes. He made many comments about Ant not being serious.

he did enable fez, i know that.

I get trying to interject humor into fucked up situations, not when a fucking court case is above your head though.

He's the Guinea that keeps on giving.

Stoopid Anthony. He's so stoopid.

Just what a young heroin addict in her situation needs, an alcoholic predator willing to be her personal ATM.


This can only end in murder suicide. Remember Phil Hartman and his drug addict wife?

The guy from such self help films as "Smoke Yourself Thin" and "Get Confidence Stupid" ?

This is not a time to talk about Danielle Brand.

Oh god it so perfect, ant wants a dumb young bitch who depends on him and she needs a rich guy to give her money to score more smack.

well at least this subreddit will continue to be lively.

Oh well. At least he might get the hiv

Fortunately, there's that one understanding deer.....

Ass to mouth

Why do I get the feeling there's a janitor at that rehab facility with a freshly sucked cock in exchange for some phone access?

Javier's penis smells like denture cream and $150 cabernet.

ME: Oh, you fucker! I was just about to say that! Vurry good.

He's rich dumb ass. He pays cash for privileges, he sucks cock because he LOVES it.

The man is stunningly retarded

"Cumia" is Tunisian for developmentally disabled.

Too bad the Cumia brothers can't think 5 minutes ahead. They always put their stupidity out there, and delete it once it's too late.

ha, he deleted it

Did you plug his tweet into the archive site before he deleted it?

no idea how to do that

mate u fucked up, u need to archive this shit b4 letting the cumia brothers know they fucked up

that's what I rely on you guys for

Jim quoted it so it's still here

I'm sure that guy who calls and emails the rehab and the judge will do what needs to be done to help poor Ant.

why would a 19 yo know who burt convey is.

I think it's interesting that Jimmy namedrops Burt Convy, who was a popular host who eventually died when something went wrong with his brain.

Except the quote in Jim's tweet shows up as unavailable.


If you're anticipating a renewed and refreshed Anthony on May 1st, you're also going to love the new Chip Chipperson animated series, coming to Netflix this summer.

Don't forget all the viral Opie vines.



The problem is that hes not even joking

this is what i would expect a parody account to write

I was thinking it was going to be (there's no way they let. Him use his phone! )



Well I'm glad Twitter was the first thing he did with his phone. That's alway a big help

I bet he called Sue Lightning first to talk about the new mustangs and the Yankee game.

"Aw hell, it's alright I guess. I just wish I was out muddin' by the crick on a pair of 900cc ATVs, slamming shine from the jar with you, Sue. Maybe we can shoot a few muskrats with my dad's old flintlock. You gonna come help me dredge in the teck cable for the new heater in my pool house next month? Id ask bailey jay to do it, but she just signed a contract to spend all of May up in Alaska trapping wild game. If not we can still watch the new episode of Ni Ke Haa GuRen Lagenn on toonami if youre free that night."

To be fair, he wired Joe his allowance first.

the saga started and ended with twitter, how poetic

My dad drank away his salary in a day once and went into rehab to 'get his shit together'. He didn't care though. It was only to get us off his ass. He probably felt like a mastermind who was playing us. You weren't playing us, dad. We knew. We just didn't know what else to do. 6 years later you still come home drunk every day and I still don't know if there's any help I could give you. Most days I just hope you drunkenly stumble onto a busy road and only kill yourself in the process.


thanks man

This is great advice. I'm really sorry about your dad and I'm sorry he put you through that but you seem to have your head in a really good place and man, that's not easy in your situation. Good for you. Take care of yourself.


You guys sound like huge faggots. Be your own man.

You're a miserable, cowardly, walking caricature of a man, Gout Man. And as usual you're the last to know.

You're the one who created an account to troll an anonymous internet guy. I'm flattered by the way. This shit doesn't get under my skin at all. It's nice to see I'm important enough to have troll accounts attempt to pester me.

Shut up faggot no one likes you.

Good thing I never intended to be likable on the fucking internet.

Yeah why would you want people to like you here? It's not like you're here every day or anything... Oh wait.

You're one of the saddest, most pathetic and loathed characters on this degenerate subreddit, which is full of some of the saddest, most maladjusted and antisocial fucks on the planet. You stick out (like a painful, inflamed toe?) among them and make them feel sad. Maybe you should think about that awhile before your inevitable painful death from gout. GOUT. Henry the fucking VIII's disease. That is what you have, you cardboard cutout facsimile of a human man.

Haha got anything else? I'm having a laugh over here.

I'd like to step with force on your inflamed great toe. There. Done. Thanks.

Would ya?

why did u shut down TACd mate?

I didn't. I was the only mod who wanted to keep it going. Check out the new sub /r/TACN

Sounds like a great addition to Ant's Whack Pack poker club

One of my relatives researched the family tree and discovered we had a relative in the early 1900's who got drunk one evening and stepped in front of a horse drawn trolley car. She found an old newspaper clipping about it. He died several days later from severe head injuries after being in a coma. I am sure at the time it happened it was horrible and the family cried but reading about it a hundred years later made me laugh loudly. I was the only one who found it funny though and got some great stares from the old biddy's in the family. I mean come on, the fucker got drunk and just stepped right in front of a team of horses pulling a trolley car full of people. What is not funny about that I ask you?

He always wanted to be part of the horsey set.

What a waste.

He could have been more productive with his time. Like by beating you in the hopes you didn't become such a huge faggot.


There is truly no help you can give your dad. It's not your problem--it's his. Unfortunately, it concerns you and your whole family and hurts you. I'm really sorry that's happening, but you have to know none of this is within your control, none of it is your fault and the most important thing you can do is take care of yourself and know it's not your job. It's his and he's not doing it. You are doing the best you can do in an impossible situation so take care of yourself.



All dads are just a dude.

Yeah I'm just a dude, but crippling alcoholism isn't inherent to dudehood you scoundrel.

I would be drinking myself to death too if I raised a whiner like you.

He didn't say if the 19 year old heroin addict is a girl. Fairly sure it's a dude.

Pete Davidson's in rehab too?



Hopefully the judge sees he had no commitment to sobriety and treated rehab as a luxury vacation and hunting ground for new teenaged victims.

Fuck this guy.

What a piece of shit.

Goddamnit, hopefully she just gets him hooked on heroin and they both die I can't watch this anymore

It's going to get really rough when the therapist has his "Ah-ha!" breakthrough moment with Anthony and realizes all of this alcoholism and macho tough guy act stems from the fact that Anthony has been repressing his homosexual urges for 50 years.

Once Ant comes out of rehab he is going to be absolutely FABULOUS!

more like yea ha ha ha

"Finally, I don't have to buy large underwear from Amazon online! I can let the hog hang loose! JIMMY STOP STARING."

I don't know about all the negativity here....if Joe's update & this tweet came up in Ant's criminal court case for domestic violence which includes strangulation charges, the prosecution & judge would have to look at these conclude: "this man is clearly contrite, taking responsibility for his behavior & taking the process seriously. Free to Go, all charges dropped"

Your judgement is great Ant. Nothing wrong with you or your drinking. Its everyone else with the problem. PLEASE keep doing what your doing.

And if you examine it closely, it's really the 19-year-old's fault. "Crazy pussy" yet again sabotaging Anthony's life.

Well, come on now: who's going to have a lifetime's worth of emotional manipulation at their fingertips? The 19-year-old slut, of course. She holds all the cards as usual and poor Ant, who is only middle aged, has no tools with which to fight that hussy. It's completely unfair and they just won't stop doing it to him. The poor, poor little man.

Good point. What is the guy supposed to do?? Go to rehab and spen his time, energy & focus on the things that got him there? Cmon. The fact that in the only 2 pieces of communication since entering rehab - the predominant message of each was Ant's lust for 19 year old heroin addict....that sir, is clearly the fault of said heroin addict. She was making eyes at him, Im sure.

And then he walks out of the courtroom and the Sirius execs are hugging him and welcoming him back with twice the pay and Opie is twirling his mustache and stomping his feet saying 'NEXT TIME, HUMAN GARBAGE, NEXT TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!'

19 year old heroin addict?

Holy shit, Ant is the old chickenhawk from Basketball Diaries. What an old weird queer.

For some goddamn reason 'old weird queer' made me think of William Burroughs, and then Naked Lunch, and then Ant putting a foot into Dani's ribs and skipping town with nothing more than an old typewriter and a vial full of bug powder.

Fucking English degree.

Dude: the predilection for boy dick, the substance abuse, fascination with guns. He fucking IS Burroughs

Engaging in self destructive behavior to derail attempts to make him face his underlying issues, yer kiddin.

He's so predictable. If he actually stays clean, he'll only delve into baby fucking even further.

I'll be praying for that 19 year old guy, hoping he's able to kick his heroin addiction.

I think you're confused again. Like yesterday when you didn't even know blind stevie existed. Why are constantly on a subreddit of a radio show you didn't listen to?

Maybe if you subliminally put all relevant information regarding addiction into a 14 year old episode of Modern Marvels he'd finally learn something.

Or just into a 14 year old.

Me: See how I set you up there!

I set myself up.



No one cares about TACS or Ant. The comedians are all about plugs and the ones who don't need the plugs are just too nice to say no to ant/keith.

We're acting like TACS is going to be around by the end of this year. Ant will probably see some jail time and everybody with a brain is planning out their next few steps right now.

lol all the LOS idiots are abandoning TACN once they knew its all over johnny, LJG and dick smith used to be on anthony and mcgavins dick all day. and now big jay doesnt even wanna mention cumias name

Still would have great if they all told Ant to fuck off and forced the show into reruns all month.

Be funnier if they just left and Ant went back to doing compound shows for his own amusement while swigging cheap booze.

He really does look like Bert



Anthony on his best day is that guy's rotting corpse

Is this motherfucker seriously not aware his twitterings can be used against him in court?

Old people don't really understand how the Internet works.

yeah ha hah a

How great would it be if Anthony's true downfall was contracting AIDS and a heroin addiction from his new teenaged rehab girlfriend.

or boyfriend...

Comes back May 1st? He'll be plastered at the Compound Cinco de Mayo party

With a brand new script for xannies? Now you're partying brotherman.

haha, good point

I can't sympathize for this dolt.

...Aaaand it's gone

I was really hoping that he did that just to joke around, but him deleting the tweet confirms that he has learned nothing about how to think before he acts. Dammit Ant, you actually had a bit of support initially.

So he's on his phone drinking wine with 19 year olds.

This nigga just wanted a month off TACS.

Or to stay out of jail dumbass

I feel like I'm watching a real time tv show. This new rehab season is starting slow but I see a good payoff on the horizon.

Pathetic...and to think I came on here a week ago and defended this jackass.

Shit, man, better go up stairs and wash mom's car, that'll take the edge off.

What a disgusting, oblivious, no self-awareness having ghoul.

Lock this piece of shit up

An orderly saw him on the phone, made him delete the tweet, then confiscated it. No more rec room privileges for the rest of the week!

he's losing his mind in his old age or accepted that jail time is imminent.

I hope he smuggled that phone in via his asshole.

You know there's ample room for it.

And it was the Michael Douglas phone from Wall Street

Hahahahaha he deleted the tweet. Must have went straight to reddit.

Must run a tight ship at this place if he can get to his phone, eh gang?

Surely none of us would be surprised to discover that the place is pretty fucking far from being a real rehab joint.

It's gotta be nothing more than a healthspa resort that only slightly inconveniences its wealthy clientele.


At our place, you give up your phone and you don't see it again until you're discharged. Some places will allow maybe 15 minutes a day, but as you can see it's generally a bad idea and tends to get patients into more trouble than it's worth. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get his phone back at all until discharge. They could be held legally liable for anything that happened to the 19-year-old he referenced. Male or female. Sounds like they're harboring an active 55 year old predator, which they are.

Remember how we used to assume all of his dumb tweets were drunk tweets and we would loff and loff? It turns out he really is just a dummy.

I'm sure Ronnie B and Jimmy are tickled pink at how seriously Ant is taking his rehab stint.

Lets start on getting him into a sex addiction rehab place already.

we need to check whacky addict jim into the sex addict place, he fuck dudes with dick u see, he got human waste on his chest meh see meh, like a dopes eyes meh see

Jeez I really hope they do brainwash him

They'll never break him, NEVER!

He deleted it. I suspect his online activity is monitored and that was judged to be against the terms and conditions. Also he'll be kept apart from that girl now

Joe gave him a phone when he brought the wine. Ant's retarded synapses started firing and figured out that this could really upend the whole 'rehab' con.

Tell Jack Torrance to flush his phone down the shitter'71.jpg

This is the only thing that could help him at this point.

Tuned to BET

Ant would pay the administrators off and they'd just show Jaws and American History X on a loop; thereby making him worse than he was before.


What the fuck could you possibly see in a 19 year old 'heroin' addict? Ant is so far gone, this is the tweet that will make Ronnie be like "fuck it, the guy is done for"..

I think the rock bottom thing needs to happen for ant to truly change.. as long as he is rich and has yes men surround him 24/7, he will never truly hit rock bottom. Maybe jail might be his bottom, who knows.. He'll be 80 and broke by the time he decides to get his shit together

He's not going to make it to 80. Ol creator face already has had health complications with his heart several years back.

"Creator Face" is a catchy name.

We gave him his phone for 2 minutes so he could check something with his accountant, but he logged to twitter and reddit, started punching his comfort pillow, yelling racial epithets and spitting on the floor.


What a silly goose, when the judge sees this he'll be none to happy

Does anybody remember laughter?

"This page doesn't exist" Was it his lawyer, Jimmy or councillor who told him to delete it?

he probably got 40 calls and texts as soon as he posted it.

None from Joe, he was still trying to perfect an insult on the Reddit but kept getting frustrated by spellcheck.

This thread.

It took him 6 days and he's already fucked this up. He needs this shit more than she does.

The self destruction with this guy is very real.

On one hand, he did use the 'love' word.

I remember those cheers They still ring in my ears And for years they'll remain in my thoughts...

Take screencaps you fools. It's gone now.

scroll to the bottom of this post, tweetbot caught it. EDIT: signed, Fool

Thanks, Beav.

Color me surprised!

Yeah some fawkin coloreds were in the bedrum paintin wit my mudder and Lamar

I can only hope his Twitter was hacked. That tweet was unbelievablely stupid. Deleting that tweet confirms it wasn't. Ass.

Ant's problem isn't booze, it's social media.

and fear of irrelevance

You can tweet from rehab? What a joke.

Even sober he puts his fucking foot in his mouth. There is no hope for this guy. Fuck him.

Enough with the outrage. We all saw this coming.



Good for him, I guess.


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Ant still rocks, Nurse Ratched hasn't broke him yet

Fuck Opie and his old lady tits.

When looking for karma points goes wrong

What do you mean?

What a bunch of sissies you all are. It's obviously a self-deprecating joke

Because that's what you do when you have jail time hanging over your head, right? Idiot.

I'm happy to hear he's doing well, honestly.
I'm interested to see how TACS changes if he sticks with this and gets sober.

You still waiting for your dad to get back from buying smokes? Keep sitting by the door, he'll be home soon

No, he died.

I am sorry to hear that he lost his long battle with AIDS and IBS.

I'm sure all the boys at the local poofshack are going to miss Sloppy Joe Tuesdays.


He's dead.

just w8 4 the nyc studio brother man

Just like how the new studio changed everything right faggot?

Relevant username

Then please live a long and prosperous life. See what I did there?

I can appreciate the long con. Good luck rube hunting.

He's probably kidding you fucking fucks, remember before all of this he used to be funny.

He's also a creepy disgusting old man that goes after teenagers.

When you are entered in court-related rehab, you use this thing called discretion, where you don't make jokes about taking advantage of 19 year old heroine addicts when you are supposed to be addressing your drinking problem that may or not be related to you beating a young girl at your house.

"I was only joking" will go over great in court.

Well it matches up with brother Joe's post pretty nicely

Gawker also said they were "joking" in court against the Hulkster. The lawyers destroyed them.

How old are you?

haha, good point

With a brand new script for xannies? Now you're partying brotherman.

ha, he deleted it

You still waiting for your dad to get back from buying smokes? Keep sitting by the door, he'll be home soon

Jim quoted it so it's still here

I'm sure that guy who calls and emails the rehab and the judge will do what needs to be done to help poor Ant.

He's dead.

I am sorry to hear that he lost his long battle with AIDS and IBS.

I'm sure all the boys at the local poofshack are going to miss Sloppy Joe Tuesdays.

At our place, you give up your phone and you don't see it again until you're discharged. Some places will allow maybe 15 minutes a day, but as you can see it's generally a bad idea and tends to get patients into more trouble than it's worth. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get his phone back at all until discharge. They could be held legally liable for anything that happened to the 19-year-old he referenced. Male or female. Sounds like they're harboring an active 55 year old predator, which they are.

just w8 4 the nyc studio brother man

You don't think his alcohol abuse is what leads him to bring girls like Dani around? And you don't think SiriusXM being pissed with him for coming into work hungover/calling off work cause of his drinking is an issue? Or his drinking and driving? When your drinking leads to professional and legal issues and you still don't slow down and try to blame everyone and everything but yourself you have some issues. A sober Anthony would have no interest in a drug addict psycho staying at his house. That's his own fault.


Just like how the new studio changed everything right faggot?

Then please live a long and prosperous life. See what I did there?