Ya think they played hide the rocket after this was taken?

3  2016-04-06 by RonPerlmanFan69


Mopie in the background all jealous

Ope likes to watch. I'm sure if he's a good boy he'll get to eat space man's moon fluid out of Jim's crater afterwards.


Jimmy looks fucking disturbing lately. More than usual.

He looks like a vulture.

Look at that stupid looking fuck in the background with his front combover. What a mess.

ape looking mother fucker

I didn't realize having AIDS made you someone so happy.

It's Kirk and 86 year old Kirk


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Oh look at how edgy and snarky you are.

Who's the homeless looking guy with Ryan White?

Ok, wtf is up with Jim? Does he have aids? His head is so disproportionate to his body

Jimmy's weak hips are anger inducing.

What's the deal with shit worms face

What's that?

Christ, whenever he smiles nowadays he looks like a friggin' Sleestak

Do we accept the fact that this old dude is still wearing tshirts about going to mars and his spacejacket thingy? Is this cool?

Sure its a great achievement but do he really need the attention so hard?

Same with old veterans day in and day out wearing their WW2 hats. Im not talking down what they did but dang, cant you go one day without looking for someone to acknowledge that youre a vet?

it's a Total Recall shirt, you fucken zero. Guess you saw the Martian and thought it was a documentary.

By the way, that space jacket is fucken cool. This guy walked on the moon. He flew in a rocket to outer space and stepped foot on the moon. There is literally no way to understate how awesome this is.

Seriously. Lots of things in this photo to make fun of. Buzz isn't any of them.

Allright, my bad, I didnt even recognize that it was mars and not moon.

Its cool that he walked on the moon, but to wear a jacket/hat/shirt everyday?

Why not? I I was a marine and won a medal of honor for my role in combat, I'd wear that on my uniform whenever I went for a job interview.

Thats my point though. Obviously, youre doing it to get validation/approval. The sole purpose of your actions is to get attention or recognition by others. Which I consider being pretty weak. Well thats just the human ego in a nutshell I guess, thats why instagram and facebook are so successful, instant approval.

Why not? It's a huge achievement. Let him be proud.

It is. But I cringe/feel bad for people craving attention even if its on a subconcious level.

Like, im not shitting on WW2 vets, ofcourse im not, but imagine living the rest of your life after that, wearing a WW2 hat everyday.

Kinda feel bad that thats the storyline of their entire life. Maybe WW2 is a wrong subject or murky waters to "hate" on, but lets say those old Pac Man nerds still living in that old era, or the college jock who's stuck in that time, still wearing the sports jacket.

Maybe thats a better metaphor instead of WW2 vets or Buzz, considered its kinda disrespectful but objectively, holding on to the past and with the intent to display it/show it to other people still.

How do you know buzz and those vets wear it every day? You on the lookout for the same vets every morning? If I see three different people wearing a sports team hat I don't assume they wear it every day.

Depends on the pictures and the settings. Sure if you see 3 different people wearing a sports team hat you dont assume but if you see the same guy wearing a sports team hat 3 different times, you could probably assume.

That's what I'm saying, are you seeing the same old WW2 vet daily?