What's the name of the rehab center Anthony is at? I need to alert them he's relapsed.

28  2016-04-06 by cbanks420lol


Joe is not a smart man

I'm glad he informed us of what's going on though. I'm concerned Mr. Cumia is supplying alcohol to fellow patients and might be considering sexually assaulting vulnerable young girls. I sent a descriptive e-mail to the judge handling his case.

This is absolutely hilarious for us, but this is actually something a rehab facility would take very seriously. He's probably alright because it's his dipshit brother saying these things, but people have gotten the boot from rehab for shit like this.

It absolutely HAS to be taken very seriously at any Rehab. They are legally liable for people in the equivalent of intensive care mentally and emotionally. This would be a monumental lawsuit if any one of those women or their families saw that a possible predator was thinking of harassing or assaulting them while they were trying to fucking get clean. The facility should know.

While sneaking in wine as well.

That whole update by Joe makes me realize that the Cumias are the type of family where everybody else dresses up for the holidays to compensate for their elderly old father who's wearing a stained undershirt/boxers and halfway through the special Christmas-themed six-pack of whatever rotgut they could get. Every word he chooses and uses leaks out an idea of a sad, sad man who beats every member of his family and they can't wait until he dies.

Did he fucking sneak in wine to rehab? Jesus Christ. He's dead if they find it. That's no mean feat. All your belongings and your person are searched when you get there. No one in that family ever had one ounce of respect for any kind of law or rules. And it shows.

Their father sure was the architect of the dysfunction of the entire family. Just a rotten, stupid, violent piece of shit who was very probably madly trying to mask his own hated homosexuality. But the scenario you made is spot on. It's like having the devil in your family and that devil personally fucked you up and continues to do so. I would say their father's death was probably pretty freeing for the Cumia siblings, although nowhere near freeing enough. "You cause as much sorrow dead/as you did when you were alive." That song lyric always struck me because it was so true for so many child abuse/neglect victims. What a curse to a family, brought on by their own father. But it's not even an uncommon story, unfortunately. And of course, the boys became their hated father and are proud of that shit. The pathology is endless in them.

I think it's just a really shitty joke by brother Joe.... He's not the quickest guy.

I know we hate Ant, but white-knighting for some addict bitches is pretty pathetic, bruthamarn. I'm sick of this idea that hitting on women is harassment or assault.

They're in recovery for HEROIN ADDICTION. they were most likely sexually assaulted and they don't need some 55 year old dude creeping on them while they're trying to get their lives together

How about this: Here's a struggling alcoholic that is being manipulated by a JUNKIE, who has found herself a gullible meal ticket. This perspective could be just as accurate as your interpretation of the few 'facts' we know here. But you're right, junkies always have the best of intentions.

Difference is its obvious Anthony isn't taking this rehab stint seriously. If he was he wouldn't be tweeting dumb shit like this. I feel like the other non public figures are entitled to the assumption they're actually in there to try to clean up their acts. Also you're the only person on the other side who's actuslly admitted Anthony Is an alcoholic.

I will give it to you, theres a good chance a heroin addict WOULD take advantage of Anthony and his position of sugar daddy. That's another reason why I think he's fucking up their chances of getting clean. He's looking at the whole thing as some sort of resort vacation. Talking about the pool and the TV size. Just face it dude,.hes never looked at this seriously and doesn't want to get better. He's only in there to avoid jail time. Doesn't matter though, because he's not going to make it 30 days in there and he will end up in jail.

Hitting on women who don't want you to hit on them is harassment the same way some giant ugly gay guy hitting on your precious virgin ass would be harassment to you. Hitting on vulnerable, hurt women who are trying to get clean is some of the lowest shit possible. "Addict bitches" are women like your mom, your sister and your daughter. America is fucking full of addicts. Addiction is practically the new apple pie. They are not sub-human. They are worth everything you are and probably a lot more. So fuck you, bruthaman. Buy a clue and some empathy and shut the fuck up.

Hitting on vulnerable, hurt women

lol, faggot.

Your logic is despicable. How do you know whether a woman wants to be hit on unless you do it? The alternative is that women exclusively hit on men, which would only presents the same 'problem' in reverse. Also, I am not paranoid about getting hit on by faggots, I don't find it harassing. I have been molested a couple of times, but all they did was touch my cock, in public--big fucking deal. Keep white-knighting and self-hating. And yes, my mother was a drug addict and she was a shit mother.

How about you just talk to women the same way you talk to men, like human beings, and find out that way if they like you? You don't have to harass women. No one has to harass anyone. If she wants to talk to you, good. If she doesn't, fuck the fuck off. There is nothing white knighting (Jesus christ that term) or self-hating about that. You treat them they way you would treat a man. With basic respect. How about you try that one on for size, big guy?

You would be paranoid about being hit on by "faggots" if it were as accepted for gay men to harass men as it is for men to harass women. I don't know any women who have not been sexually harassed. Imagine a world where gay men were given that impunity to do that to pretty much all men. You'd be pretty sick of it and you'd be pissed. Stop being a fucking crybaby asshole. And it is a big deal if you were molested in public. It's a very big deal. You're the fucked up one if you think that's the way life should be.

I'm not surprised your mother was a shit mother. You clearly have problems with women and they probably started right there. You don't like to see women as full human beings. This is common. Change it.

They are worth everything you are and probably a lot more

Nope :)

You keep telling yourself that, champ. Someday it'll come true!

No, no it won't.

I think it's more about the context of the situation. How about Anthony focuses on at least trying to fix what got him in this position in the first place instead of goose stepping down the same Dani-beaten path, trying to get his dumb guinea dick stuck in another 19 year old problem.


Hitting on women when in a rehab is pretty fucking despicable. Also Joe is ruining the whole point of Ant's rehab to gain favor with sentencing by saying he's just going through the motions.

Lol, you are definitely one of the more determined guys here. Thank you for your service!

Yeah but he's just white Knighting cause hes trying to bone Dani

oh this is the dude that did her ama, I wonder if a white knight has ever banged the person they are white knighting?


No. Never. This guy is as much of a pathetic psychopath as Ant.

Nah, I just wanted her to give dirt on Anthony. Anthony's sycophants are the biggest white knights I've ever seen and they're defending a 58 year old man.

57 years young.

Noble cause but you're certainly taking it a bit far. Unless there is a personal reason, of course.

Ur autism is greatly appreciated.

No matter how much you hate Ant it's pretty fucked up to kick him out for some BS his brother said.

Are you guys trying to get him to off himself or something?


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Yeah, Ativan is a benzodiazepine not a synthetic opiate. It's infuriating to listen to a moron who has never even spent an hour in a pharmacology class pretend to understand the complexities of chemicals and their applications in medicine.

Beat it,nerd.

Ahhhh, go fuck yourself

Give me ur lunch money

Gimme fiddy cent

Not as infuriating as his use of emoji's


Joe's in a biker gang. He's learned all he needs about drugs on the streets.

Calling it now: If Ant goes to jail, someone in this sub will find a way to pen pal with some african american lifer, relay his tweets & videos and probably get him killed.

Honestly at this point that isn't out of the realm of possibility whatsoever given how much this sub has interjected itself into Ant's life in a very real way.

Do you mean you?

He means all of us.

It's just a matter of bragging rights.

They do enjoy their faggots in there.

God that would be great

The possibilities that this thread opens have me all giddy and excited

Like you would need to go that far. Just have someone play one of Ant's shows to any prisoner and Ant will be the new Jared Fogle of the cell block. The next pic that will be made public will show lines of fear and age etched onto his face as he tries to comb over where a surly prisoner took a handful of the hairplugs and yanked until they came out.

Update: I've e-mailed every rehab facility rehab in Florida and received a response back from one thanking me for informing them of the situation although they couldn't confirm or deny I had the right place.

I feel like I did a good thing today. I wish nothing but the best for Anthony. :)

Holy shit.

They seemed very excited on live chat to hear more. I saw somebody else on here say it was the place he was at.

He's gonna start rambling about trolls and haters in rehab then get sent to a psych ward

He's sitting in a padded room in a straight jacket.

redditards are coming for me.

There's no reddits here Anthony.

You talking about the one in Jacksonville that someone posted earlier?

Are you going to transcribe another AMA for Ant's rehab this time?

There's that whole patient confidentiality thing so I don't believe so, sir.

What if Anthony gets jail time and kills you lol?

We should be so lucky. I kid of course, I like cbanks and appreciate what he does for our lovely community.


You're a sweetheart for helping Anth in these troubling times :)

Thank you for your service.

They can't tell you that kind of stuff thanks to hipaa.


there is absolutely no way you emailed every rehab in florida, do you know how many rehabs are in the state of florida?

What a good samaritan. God bless.

you can't stop harassing a guy even when he's in rehab?!? you are a despicable fucking asshole.

edit: down-votes from his fellow assholes. nice.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

but he shitted all over the rehab, i am sure hes all in with the rehab

If Anthony really is going to rehab to help his case, then posts like this from Joe look fucking horrible and makes it sound like Anthony isn't taking it seriously whatsoever.

In fact, I'll rephrase the entire post to make it sound better for Anthony:

"For everyone that's asking about my brother:

He's doing fine. Thanks for all the wishes and goodwill. He's coming along great and is in great spirits. Can't wait to see him in a few weeks when I get to leech a couple thousand dollars off him."

There. Holy shit. The last bit was an editorial, but you get the drift.

Also, lol @ Joe thinking Ativan is an opiate. Although, it will give you a good nap. Hopefully Ant pockets some and shoves a few hundred down Joe's throat when he gets home.

Gets home in five to ten, you mean. Also, Joe just opened himself up to some charges as well. Has anybody sent this to the prosecutor yet?

If I was in rehab and my brother was posting shit like this on the internet we would have some serious issues. I would be fucking livid.

This moron:

"he really didn't require the "detox" portion of the "pogrum", but for the councilors' fear..."

He intentionally misspells a word for comedic effect, then unintentionally misspells one 4 words later.

So? He was in the Army back in 79.

" I ain't got time to read "

Meanwhile he's got a perm and a skintight lycra bodysuit with dreams of 'Dara.' All that is missing is the Fiero.

Seriously, he IS gonna end up relapsing. Even with the wine & girls thing being a joke, it sounds like he's trying to play it cool, like he doesn't 'need detox.' He probably feels like he's 'different' from the other addicts in there. That attitude is an addict's mechanism to keep from getting better. Somebody needs to kick his ass (literally?) and break him down so he starts taking it seriously. Maybe I'm wrong but that's the impression I get from this rambling adolescent shitpost.

Just like how he didn't drink for 3 days before going into rehab to show them he doesn't have a problem. He is in denial.

I'm not surprised, given his ancestry. He should get out before he drowns.


Anthony IS an addict and denies it, Jim was never an addict it but preaches it from every hilltop....

Anthony is spending his birthday in rehab


"Birfday will be ruined but hopefully christmas wont be"

Jimmy: Uuuuuugh!

A good joke would be finding past instances of him destroying the English language, then giving him an opportunity to comment on it as examples of 'those minorities not speaking English, goddammit!'

All I saw are the words "wine" and "pinching asses". I need to e-mail and call them to let them know Anthony needs help.

Be sure to forward this to the courthouse as well.

"I guess we can all use a little "smart-device rehab", huh folks?"

Please die, Joe.

I'm not a facebooker, is this real? If so, jesus Joe, shut up already.

Who else had to read that really slow?


Not even 3 days and Joe has the nerve to call him "dry" .. yeah buzzing off opiates, drinking wine with young heroin addicts.. sounds like he's really thinking things through!

Joe will now get his brother tossed from rehab and possibly into jail lol

"Joe the Enabler" might be our best shot to end the Andy Cumia story once and for all.

Who are all of these Facebook "friends" Joe has? Are these people groupies or actual people he knows?


They are called 2U-pies.

BJ has real friends on facebook as well as 2U-pies and the Cummaniac bros he visits when his "old lady" is away.

Well, OP has to be one of them. Gentlemen, we ourselves a mole.

I don't think (except for the WAAF/WBCN Boston days) we've been in different States for an entire month since I was in the Army back in '79

I think we've found the real root of Anthony's problems

Amazing how spot on all the made up postings are about his schedule and time. If he could just focus on getting healthy and stop posing as "Danny Zucko does rehab" he might actually get something out of it.

Hey MORONS!!.. They won't let you know if he is there, even if you get the right one. He's in detox transitioning, and he's only been there a few days. Trust me, once he's been there a week and they have had a chance to observe him, they will call him on his shit. The fact that he is in a uni-sex facility is bad news. He's needs to be with men, the women need be with women. Yeah, it sucks having to be surrounded by a bunch of men for a month or more, but it's truly one of the most effective rehab experiences you can get when you have no distractions of the opposite sex. I seriously hope they get wise to who they are dealing with and that young stupid cunts are a trigger for sir pockmark. Somebody shoud get this info to Doctor Steve. He probably helped Ant find the rehab, or will atleast have the credentials to pass some info along.

But ant is gay

And apparently he's transitioning.

It's similar to when Bruce Jenner did it to cover up the fact he had just murdered someone with his car

Lol at Ativan being an opiate high.


They asked him if there's anything he feels like he was addicted to that he's really craving, or feeling particularly anxious over not having available to him, and he told them, "Yeah, my phone"...I guess we can all use a little "smart-device rehab", huh folks?

Oh Joseph "Colin Quinn" Cumia

"Another state" "Go down", somewhere in Florida?

Edit: we can probably figure out with the limited info we have by looking at websites.

What an infuriatingly aggrandising read

I don't know why he would make an ethnic cleansing reference but, oh I know why ... he's an idiot, it's pogrom not pogrum.

I wonder if Ants lawyers reached out to joe and said look you idiot you cant post shit that heavily implies your brother doesn't need rehab.

Then Joe says 'listen, buddy, he doesn't have a problem outside of that girl that walked into his fist. And you can tell the JUDGE THAT, baby, cause we're on that RADIO AND ARE FAMOUS!'

Joe then guns the hoveraround and 'burns ass' back inside, jamming the floormat in the screen door.

Wow is he not the least bit funny.

Is this 100% legit?

The facebook post? It's legit, the archive site is a screenshot of what was exactly on his page.

Holy fuck...it's just a constant stream of banality. Brother Joe truly is a dullard.

Milluh. Coors. What are some of dem other rehabs we got?

Home run chippah


So what i gathered is that Anthony is taking control over the facility using his wits? That would be kinda entertaining.

Reading this thread it's clear some folks here have a much bigger addiction than Ant does.

If Ant is in Florida at a facility with heroin addicted white trash blondes then this will be the gift that keeps on giving for TACS for years to come.

I'm missing it. Where does Joe say Anthony's back on the bottle?

He means all of us.

It's just a matter of bragging rights.

They do enjoy their faggots in there.

"Birfday will be ruined but hopefully christmas wont be"
