A hopeful thought pops into Anthony's head while he's out on the smoking patio and sees the newest patient to arrive on the detox unit.

0  2016-04-05 by xaway3

She must have arrived late last night and slept all day because Anthony didn't get to sleep until 3 after taking a PRN Vistaril at 11 and a Benadryl at 1 and never saw her sit by the nurses' station for that humiliating admission process where they wrap you in blue paper pants and shirt and make you wait for an interminable time while everybody stares and makes crude innuendo. Anthony has a hopeful thought. I'm gonna fuck that bitch.


I can't wait until she OD's in the compound. It will do wonders for the image of the network.

What happened to that Armenian Assassin hoe-bag?

Her and her friend Yen_vi were fucking Kieth. I imagine the three of them are in ants hot tub while his wife washes the cum stained shirts socks and towels choosing to believe they are from Anthony.

Are you psychically channeling Ant? Your putting a lot of details in. Or your a starving writer stuck moving boxes for a living

I'm a fellow patient with access to a phone. I'm a mole.

I'm a fellow patient with access to a phone. I'm a mole.