Joe has finally accepted defeat

108  2016-04-05 by JimmysLostFat


He's way too much of a narcissist to stay away.

This could go for Joe, Opie, Anthony, or Jim really.


Is this some kind of Tommy Wiseau reference or are you having a seizure?

Hi doggie.


If we're lucky, that's his suicide note.

"Joe was here"

Nobody look for that note at Disney, then.

Dumbshit is in trouble for telling everyone his shitty brother has no intentions of taking this seriously:

*edit: credit

"This post was mostly me... You know in case the wrong people are reading it😎" - in the comments section

This douche is 10 years off from being in a hospice for dementia and he (and his brother) are using emojis to attract kids.

This guy can't write a single sentence without sounding like a piece of shit.

And he didn't even use the right emoji, you know that one where it has its eyes closed behind the sunglasses.

Ativan isn't an opiate, aren't bikers supposed to know their drugs?

Calling it a narcotic is pushing it too.

Everybody calls everything a narcotic now, especially cops.

My 65 year old mother takes Ativan every other day. It's not some hard drug.

Your mom should finally admit she's an addict and join a program.

I wonder what Jimmy, Ronnie, bobby, CQ, and vos would think about this

Just tweeted it to Jimmy and tried to Ron but he doesn't have twitter, I put his hashtag there. I'll send to the others.

He seriously couldn't make thst sound any worse. What a fucking idiot. He's making ant look so bad. If the judge saw that I wouldn't be surprised if ant got some Jail time

Just in case anyone was wondering:

It would probably suck for Anthony Judge Bogle had any idea what a disgusting and abusive degenerate he's become.

I'm on it, but not because I hate him. I want them to know he needs additional help. I'm a concerned fan.

I can't do it, I don't hate the man, and he deserves more time in there to work on himself. Also it's all hersey from brother Joe.

Now I want a hersey bar


Yeah, that is crossing the line in my opinion. Anthony is someone who most here still like despite his decline.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets kicked out or beat up by one of the other "inmates" .

I hope to fucking christ that he breaks another girls' ribs in there.

Wow was that obnoxious. Stop with the fucking emoji's, you're a 50 something year old man. The "wink wink/nudge nudge" of that was nauseating; that guy is about as subtle with a joke as George Lucas is with screenwriting. Awful.

What a complete fucking boob. If Ant really is going thru all this trouble with "non-court ordered" rehab to look good to the court, Joe obliterated it with that. "So as you can see your honor, this man does not need rehab from alcohol, he needs rehab from unstable 18-25 year olds, and is obviously committed to neither."

He reports on his brother's life like an obsessed O&A fan. So fucking creepy.

Well his entire existence is based on his brother and his income. His business is even called "brother Joe entertainment" it's pathetic

Dummy called ativan and "opiate-narcoctic" ROFL

Is there anything more to this other than he ended up deleting the post? I picture the hangers-on starting to turn on eachother hunger games style. Keith has probably HAD IT with SAMCRO.

'No Grown Ups' and 'Kids only', eh? There he goes, coattailing Anthony again.

Here are Reddit's terms. Delete your Twitter, and march straight back to Long Island, stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for 20 years of mediocrity, stupidity, and laziness. Do that and your band shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will work today.

I hope you washed your ahss today; it's about to be kissed by a guy that pretends to be the Edge from U2!

60 years and mediocrity is generous.

You tell him William Wallace!!!

Is this a Braveheart reference

No, it's about this guy Bill Wallace from Holtsville. Real inspirational dude.

Yeah it is. There is a scene where William Wallace gives terms to the English before a battle. It was what Orange said, but of course he altered it to fit. He also left out a bit where he says the English General must come out, bend over and kiss his own arse.

William Wallace: From his king? Absolutely. Here are Scotland's terms. Lower your flags, and march straight back to England, stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for a hundred years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today.

Cheltham: [laughs] You are outmatched. You have no heavy cavalry. In two centuries no army has won without β€”

William Wallace: [interrupts Cheltham] I'm not finished! Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse.

Wonder if this fuck thinks he "supported" Anthony during this fucking shit show spiral to hell.... Dude seems like a grade A enabler of his fuckery.

Yeah, when I was broke and coattailing off my band members I'd be encouraging all kinds of drinking and getting fucked up. People are more generous with their money in an inebriated state. Joe's worst fear is Ant gets a therapist or something that tells him he's gotta drop his mooching brother and he's a bad influence on him. But that's not going to happen because Anthony isn't going to take rehab seriously at all.

because Anthony isn't going to take rehab seriously at all.

As he shouldn't. He's not an alcoholic, he is a hedonist that wants to live an ultra self indulgent life and was doing so until the arrest. Rehab is just a way to get society off his back so he can return to the way he wants to live.

He seems pretty fucked up when he's on here ranting or periscoping karaoke at 4 am. Just cause he hasn't personally hit his bottom doesn't mean he's not an alcoholic. I mean whatever I'm pretty much a hedonist too, I do know from personal experience his friends who are expecting him to take this seriously are NOT going be happy with him when they find out he's taking this shit as a joke.

He has people covering his show under the guise that he's admitting he has a problem and going to get help for it. He's basically going to commit career suicide if he comes back from this and just goes back to his old ways

All 3 of them have never been very adapt at countering fan/listener criticism and Christopher Hitchins couldn't have won an internet argument against 400 disgruntled fans and SJWs. Also whats wrong with being up t 4 am when you don't "work" until 4 PM? What else would anybody with that schedule and a 2 hr work day be doing?

I'm not saying theres anything wrong with it. I am saying he's an alcoholic though. That's fine by me if he doesn't get help. I didn't go to rehab, and I've lost a lot of friends because of it.

I've lost a lot of friends because of it.

Friends are for queers, chin up buttercup :)

You still have us!

Damm, thanks Bimmy! 😊 you just made my morning

Lost his job, up on felony charges. Hammered at the time of both incidents.

Just a hedonist. No problems with booze.



Jesus, Ant has been gone less than a week and the dude is doomed. What a fuckin failure.

Oh no I was really hoping he'd change his mind and let me take him up on his offer to fight one of us in "the octagon". When he put that out there on twitter I accepted and he blocked me rofl.

I got the same when I tweeted that I would meet him whenever he wanted. I told him he could bring Ant for an advantage if he wants. Blocked within 2 mins

And dats dat.

Wont be seein' him no more!!!

If only! Joey Duh Mooch is here with many alts.

I always thought "and that's that" came from De Niro's last line in Casino?

Casino... Or I like to call it, Caseenit when it was called Goodfellas


His 6 friends are gonna be pisssed

I don't get it. What happened?

He's a pedo now trying to get kids?

Why don't I understand what this is and you all do?

I'm not stupid. I don't want to see any message saying that I'm stupid.

I'm not.

I'm smart.

I was passed over.

He's a pedo now trying to get kids?

Well, it IS sort of a Cumia Bros. thing...

I don't get it either :(





Same here. Don't get it.

A clever ruse to get everyone off his tracks?

He is too fucking stupid to stay away.

You guys have come so far. I'm so proud of everyone. :'(

Why is his domain registered under the name Joe Pietaro? Anyone know the connection? Run a whois on his domain to see what I'm talking about.

That's Joey pies, his sidekick from GBA. Come on bro get with the program. I like that you're doing some digging though.

He must be destroyed.

I honestly don't understand how this dumb fuck can think no one will ever see his racist tweets or podcasts. It's the Internet you old fuck. You shit talk people online thinking you're tough and they go and fuck you harder

I think his post about anythony in rehab is going to get him in alot more shit .

No Grown-ups. Kids Only.

shuuure... don't let'em know nuthin Joe we can keep this our little secret.



Am I to presume that Euro Disney has reconsidered employing the Sons of Tranarchy?

Joes inflection and jokery could invoke murderous rage. He stinks and I don't like him.

But I'm stinks and you like me, right? (:?

I enjoy your company.

Huge loss for the twitterverse.

Wont see him no more.

And.....ah nothing... nothing can be done about that.

I miss why everyone piled up on Joe Cumia. Anyone feel like letting me know?

He was trying to doxx people here, challenged everyone here to a fight. Kept talking shit, and basically said how this sub can't have any affect on his life and how we're all jokes and they all just laugh at us.

The long bitter retreat.

No Grown-ups. Kids Only.

This is actually the sign hanging over the entrance to the compound.

he was probably going to guest host, but some reddit-SJW's must have pressured Keith into giving racists NO platform on that network to spew their hate... and it worked apparently

He was too beautiful for this world.


The hell did I miss? can someone catch me up on this drama

I haven't listened to O&J even once, and I barely listened to TAC because I'm a cheap jew.

edit: downvote me "children of the 70's" with your pent up sexual frustration from your erectile dysfunction whithering cocks and flap jack titty wife you've been fucking since bush wacking to her pussy in the 80's, but I still wanna get caught up.

I felt obligated to downvote you because of your whiney edit.

Feel free that's the only button on this sub, by the way don't forget to take your Centrum Silver for the day. A broken hip is a tough repair.



What's sjw? Sick joke work?

He seems pretty fucked up when he's on here ranting or periscoping karaoke at 4 am. Just cause he hasn't personally hit his bottom doesn't mean he's not an alcoholic. I mean whatever I'm pretty much a hedonist too, I do know from personal experience his friends who are expecting him to take this seriously are NOT going be happy with him when they find out he's taking this shit as a joke.

He has people covering his show under the guise that he's admitting he has a problem and going to get help for it. He's basically going to commit career suicide if he comes back from this and just goes back to his old ways


Lost his job, up on felony charges. Hammered at the time of both incidents.

Just a hedonist. No problems with booze.