Chip isnt funny anymore

4  2016-04-05 by Moveinslience


650 million years in radio and Opie still has no idea how to "yes and" with an improv character.

Or that was Opie's attempt to shut down some stupid ass bull shit.

leave it alone


Listen to Jim and his buddy Travis laughing together like always. Do you think it bothers Opie that, even without Ant there, Jim gravitates toward anyone but him?

The Chip animated show ruined Chip for me.

Oh geez...not this fucking pose again.

He's just relaxing brah. He doesn't let society's norms stop him from being him. Stop posing, start living. The Opster does it, why not you?

Understandable. Those sweater tits need all the support they can get.

He looks like Tobias Fünke hopping up on the stage.

He could have been a model ya know.

I blame Opie.

Opie "steering the ship" by stamping his name all over it is what ruins it for me

What's with the dark sexy mood lighting? who set up the new studio? what a shit idea for morning radio.

For Chip to work you need something funny to have happened prior. That's few and far between on Opie's morning zoo.


Almost all of the early Chip moments (theres serveral clips in all of the videos)

Ooooooof. Like all of Jim's characters, Chip works best with Sam and/or Ant feeding him. But it also seems like Jimmy has changed the Chip character since doing the cartoon. The mannerisms and speech pattern are different.

Chip used to be a really clever anti-humor character -- like you had to play some three-level chess shit to make jokes that perfectly unfunny, and to appreciate how unfunny they were (the awful timing, the jarring pride and confidence of the delivery, the completely tone-deaf and witless content, the smug self-congratulation during the ensuing silence; Chip is everything that could go wrong with putting yourself out there and trying to be funny in a group conversation).

Now I guess he's just kind of dumb and wacky and pointlessly vulgar. On his cartoon he farts, and the fart itself is the joke. Also he says some pretty wild things about sex in inappropriate settings. I think at one point he may have accidentally eaten poop. He's all over the place, this Chip guy.

The cartoon, and the fart joke in particular, might have been some of the worst scripted comedy to ever exist, but I dont think it should discredit how great Chip has been in the past.

"theres another chip out there, chip" cringe. its funny vs. anti-funny in that studio. sometimes anti-funny wins.

*was never funny.

I was gonna post that, brother hahahaa!!

I'm with you guys

Then you need to watch Chip at Comic Con, or hear him do Entertainment News.

I seen it bro, I've seen everything o&a

And you really dont think chip was ever funny? I understand the cartoon dropped its appeal at a landslide pace but some of his classic chip bits were REALLY fuckin hilarious.

This place ruined it for me, and no I hated that stupid fucking face he made when he did it.

lol I wish the cartoon never happened but Ive always loved chip. to each his own I guess.