Buzz Aldrin was on the show for 10 minutes before asking if the show was on air

13  2016-04-05 by Dennyislife

Just two 50 something disasters hanging out with a 86 year old space legend


"Hey Buzz, where are we at with this moon thing"

Holy shit, Jim is the worst interviewer ever. Buzz is in the middle of shitting on Elon Musk when the Worm decides to interrupt him to ask him about his dumb book.

What did Buzz say about Elon Musk?

Basically that Elon has a lot of big ideas but no real plan to actually follow through with them. When Elon was talking about sending thousands of people to Mars, Buzz asked him how they were going to survive and Elon apparently hadn't even thought about that.

He does seem a lot like Steve Jobs. Is very loved except by the people that work for him. I read somewhere that one of the workers at Tesla missed the birth of their kid because Elon wouldn't let them leave for whatever reason. He just comes across as smug.

To be in his or Steve's position, you have to be a piece of shit.

Tss maybe he was BUZZED and forgot he was on da radio, faaaaawwk yeeeaaaah get zooted cocksuckah.


i had to turn it off. dont want to doze off driving

Yeah boring 86 year old second ever man on the moon. Get lively fucker

Second comes right after first!

It's all a farce. The moon landing was faked you silly and gullible cunt.

yeah maaaaan

Todays guests pretty much sucked shit. Papa is an over-rated friendly giggling turd.

"fuck buzz aldrin" erock got pissy he wouldn't sign his simpsons cartoon. Erock is great

Buzz sounded like the real life Edgar Mellencamp this morning

mOoN rOcKS

How long did it take Opie to ask Buzz about the flu?

Sounds like Buzz just doesn't understand the hang, brah

Did Opie spend 5 minutes remarking about how often guests don't realize they're on the air, because the show is just that real?

No. I think it was more of a case of buzz slightly losing it plus no intro. They were absolutely interviewing him at that point.

If you thought the Buzz Aldrin interview was bad, the line-up for the show from the Moontower festival sounds absolutely terrible.

Oh fuck I live in Austin and want to witness this trash upclose

Joe Derosa isn't good?

Joe Derosa, Mark Normand, Martha Kelly and Opie? I can't think of a more unlistenable group of people.

Buzz Aldrin an annoying space jock.