2U has decided to "switch it up this year" and is playing Euro Disney. We cannot let this racism hit Europe.

61  2016-04-05 by yzyman


What's a good way to contact them? I'm actually a 2U fan and I want to show them screencaps and videos of him saying nigger to show he's just joking!

http://corporate.disneylandparis.com/about-our-company/management-team/index.xhtml Shouldn't be too hard to contact several of those executives.


Looks like the email addresses at Disney are simply [email protected].

Who's gonna be the first to email them?!

Pointing out that Joe offended Muslims somehow might work better in Europe. Just the threat of ISIS being angry at them would be enough.



I don't want Joe cumia representing my nation abroad. His views he so readily expressed across social media make him a poor ambassador. No, joe. Stay home.

Agreed. This hate needs to stop. A poor sampling of our nation's inclusiveness.

He'd probably be representing Ireland.

I'm not even comfortable with him representing the human race.

Oh something tells me Europe would be a lot more sensitive to this whole racism problem than American venues are.


This gig will not happen. Europe will not welcome a holocaust denier.

Nah. You guys are setting the bar, but God forbid if you speak Ill of women. However we don't want him here because he's shit.

Actually europeans care less to their credit, they are more nuanced generally.

Yeah? Euro-Disney isn't going to care about booking a guy who openly says blacks aren't people and calls them niggers on social media?

They don't care about racism against blacks in Europe. Anti-semitism is the trigger there

I don't know but they are less likely to care than Americans. Which is good.

Are you serious? Just about every festival in Europe cancelled Down this year because Phil Anselmo said "White Power" at Dimebash.

Are we sure he isn't just flat-out lying about this?

Of course he is.

Those Cumias will say all kinds of shit to save face.

Heinous, ugly, pock-marred face.

Do they have a Disneyland at Auschwitz?

The train ride is fun!

The Nazis are invading Paris again.

I hope no one sees him calling this guy drinking a beer euro trash.


I'd like to see that vine, actually.

This cannot stand!! It is high time the good Americans on this sub start policing our own. We can not let his backward racist misguided ways pollute Europe... I think this might just be a cover for a trip back to Tunisia while they are across the pond to get Andy some grassroots support from their people anyways.

Enough of this arab spring horseshit. It's time Tunisia went back to a childfucking king and I think I know just the man..

Europe loves accepting bottom feeding brown skinned rapists. Why not another bronze mooch?

Playing U2 gets you banned anywhere in the world.

I thought 2U couldn't perform in Europe because there's already a U2 act with that name touring there.

There must be some good Vichy sites Joe can visit.

What if we could wait till he's in Europe and than get his passport revoked somehow, freeing us of him for good. Or get the show canceled when he already made the trip with all His equipment is funny too.

isis are busy in France...

Turkey is not a part of Europe, Joe.

Hopes to make a pit stop in the heart land of Morocco and visit his other brown skinned brethren while in the area.

Hopes to make a pit stop in the heart land of Morocco and visit his other brown skinned brethren while in the area.

Hopes to make a pit stop in the heart land of Morocco and visit his other brown skinned brethren while in the area.

With all that's going on with immigration and tension between races this is the last thing they need.

Europe is low key racist. They'll be okay.

If Joe goes to Germany, he's gonna have to face this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMQkV5cTuoY&feature=youtu.be

They should of elected to go to the UK, instead. Not many of you might know this but Europe, the backwards German owned fascist superstate that it is - actually has laws against antisemitism on and across the continent.

You can be THROWN IN JAIL FOR SAYING SOMETHING AGAINST JEWS. Obviously that sensitive nature backed up by a none-sensitive but happy-to-see-rights-gone government leads to a very, VERY touchy atmosphere around "racism" etc on the continent.

Especially considering what Paris has been through recently.

Europeans are pretty racist.


Heinous, ugly, pock-marred face.