Listening to TACS

0  2016-04-04 by stork38

I'm trying to listen to TACS on my Android.

The app sucks donkey dick (keeps stopping for no reason) so I am listening thru the browser. But as soon as I try to do something else on the phone the audio shuts off? Am I a moron? What am I missing here?


Listening to TACS

There's the real problem here.

a shotgun blast to the head

what are we Ant's tech support? Tweet at Keith or something ya dingbat.

Steal it, or do like me, and not listen/watch.

Or keep listening and paying, then faceplant into an empty swimming pool.

I want to give my money away to an alcoholic millionaire.

away to an alcoholic millionaire.

alcoholic thousandaire.

That dad comment really struck a nerve with this psycho. He must not have had a dad and now he's stalking your comments giving you the business.

Or I'm sitting next to my now retired very successful multi millionaire dad and my brother who graduated from Villanova getting ready for the game. Stop projecting your miserable lives onto me and the others that can't stand you. Cumia brought countless hours of entertainment in the last 15 years, you couple of tools are boring rejects of society. It's really nothing deeper than that.

Haha, is that the story you make up in your head so you don't kill yourself? Pic or nobody believes you, and by "getting ready for the game" I assume you guys are going to blow each other.

So embarrassing, you're REALLY suffering Cumia withdrawal. Nothing to fall back on and it shows.

How many Alts does this make today faggot?

very successful multi millionaire dad

Laugh Out Loud

Your old man's a struggling for rent loose change in pocketaire, where we going with this?

The app is pretty good for me, what model android you got?

S7. The Google Play reviews for the app are terrible so I assumed I have a common problem.

the app is great and plays in background for me no problem. I have an Android Samsung GS5

Try using firefox, then switch to desktop. Works for me on the youtubez

the stream keeps stopping on my laptop too, this is why I cancelled a while ago, I just resubbed for this month and its obvious nothing has changed.

The answer is yes to one of those questions. I'll let you figure out which one.


Hey what if I told you there was a way to download audio files from the show? Would it help to download manually then sync to your phone and use a normal audio player?

You don't even need to torrent.

It's hush-hush though so PM me if you want it.

It's so "hush hush" there's a fucking tutorial on KAT.

Me too the app isn't working, what am I doing wrong?