Operation GoogleBomb is a complete success! I bet racist Joseph Cumia still insists that we have no affect on his life.

86  2016-04-04 by CharlieSheenAids



I've never searched that term in my life, first image on page under images.

Vury good, just killing in here for us today... sniff

is 'brother joe entertainment' an actual thing

That's his business name, that runs his cover bands, which is run out of his home, which is listed on his website with contact info and mailing address.

He's now legally obliged to print that image on the back of his business cards according to bird law

Is that jerry Sandusky?

tsss Sandawny sumpthin

Serious question: A) Is this bc there's a disagreement with SAMCRO Joe's racist stuff, B) something else to do bc there's not many targets left in O&A C) the lulzing at he doesn't understand that he can say things online and can't fathom the backlash D) other, which includes ex-employees and hangers on being nuts E) "I don't care and like to fuck with people. F) just following orders.

This place is great to read while shitting.

This sub should be studied by behavioral health pros. Dvv dvv

Edit: forgot the genuine "I'm a legit racist" to "shit, I was only joking (I'm losing gigs)' to "shut it down." Fuck this guy. Italian brown shirt fuck. He wishes he was schutzstaffel, which is beyond sad.

Be sure to wash your hands properly.

Or even at all would be nice...

joe basically tried to rage war with anonymous, doesn't matter if it's 4chan or message boards or subreddits, it's always a bad idea and certain people in this sub are quite dedicated to proving that point. You're gonna get downvoted as will I, but personally the whole attack his gigs thing I called out few times as little too despicable, it's just so damn hard to defend brother Joe though. To be fair the generals here may argue that Cumias threatened to use weapons of mass doxxstruction which is a legit point and violation of geneva something or other.

Brother Joe and Anthony wanted to dox us at our jobs but when his money gets fucked with its too far? lol

I addressed that in my post, one wrong doesn't excuse another, they are both assholes and lost all my respect for the doxxing threats, i still wouldn't come after their gigs/advertisers though, but I understand those who do.

Ah, forgot the doxx move. That Trump's my agument. Fuck this cunt.

I doubt there's many people here who think it's hilarious to see Joe Dolan there, but it's funny to me.

I'm at work and I randomly opened this thread and was so confused as to why joe Dolan was in the o&a subreddit

Joe is softly singing "Endless days turn into sleepless nights" as he sobs in the corner of Ant's basement.

I think he is sitting in the big chair, wearing Ant's silkiest jammies, and helping himself to the last of the booze in the house.

Now he'll have to hire one of those reputation fixing companies to scrub it. Won't be easy with 900+ people working on destroying him though.

Did that original post get deleted by the mods?

I'm guessing so as it's gone now... either that or a nigger stole it, AM I RIGHT JOE????

According to FBI statistics, it was most likely an African American

Fellas, why aren't you working on "Joe Cumia"?


The admins consider this brigading

Say what?!!???!!!!??!?

Nice work, /u/CharlieSheenAids.

Is it?

I have to ask, What is this obsession to ruin to ruin this guy's life?

Reddit has no effect on his life, he scoffs at this sub with all his friends. It's nothing to worry about.

He issued a challenge. The people answered his call.


That's his business name, that runs his cover bands, which is run out of his home, which is listed on his website with contact info and mailing address.

I addressed that in my post, one wrong doesn't excuse another, they are both assholes and lost all my respect for the doxxing threats, i still wouldn't come after their gigs/advertisers though, but I understand those who do.