Has anyone ever TRIED to find the black Times Square hooker and get the real story?

8  2016-04-04 by DerpSherpa

That is, if she even exists ...


Well, they all look the same so...

Honestly with the research power of this sub I'm surprised she hasn't been found already

Hello Exactly. If she really exists she would have been found by now. Maybe she is a he? Is that what Ant was really searching for at 4am?

just askin' questions folks

Ant was taking a walk on the wild side

New York is a big place though and the Opie and Anthony show is known to nobody. She could have easily gone under the radar these last 2 years. Only a matter of time though.

That was a good, honest answer, Fez.

Yeah I don't know why I said that

I did. I went to Times Square with a blown up picture of her and walked around showing it to everyone who would look. I got beat up 3 times and robbed by guys who said they knew who she was. I was arrested for solicitation of prostitution. I was directed to the Ape House at the zoo a few times as well. Basically I came up empty. But on a positive note I managed to only catch 4 STD's from the hookers I spoke with.

Did you happen to see your deadbeat dad laying on a sidewalk exhaust grate while you were there?

Here he is with another alt, lol, you are fucking pathetic. Kill your self

What is an alt? I'm new here just looking to share laughs with my fellow brethren who love o&a&j. I mean this is the o&a subreddit for fans correct?

This sub is not for fans

Ill volunteer to track her down. I'll need $700, a handgun, and some crack.

do you have any idea how common black prostitutes are and how often they travel?

given, she's probably on plenty of fish and eccie but still....

How do you know she's a hooker, anyhow? I believe ant said that in one of the tweets but he could have been calling her a prostitute out of anger. She was also pretty well dressed. Unless she's a hooker of the high priced variety. I'm used to hookers dressing like hookers. But those are the $150 an hour types

eh, no you can't tell by looking at her. i've seen prostitutes that look like that, sure. but then so do many girls.

that part probably isn't the most pertinent anyways. she could have been drunk coming back from the clubs too and stupidly got angry at somebody taking photographs of people.

we'll never really know anything about it, to be honest. but i don't have a doubt that a girl beat him up (just like in school) and he said shit online. that sounds EXACTLY like the ant i know.

Her clothing + 3:00 AM lone stroll + explosive anger at being photographed = prostitute, if I had to guess.

How do you know she's a hooker, anyhow?

Because she's black.

This made me laugh because it's so stupid, like a Dice routine.

Lol this is a question a Midwesterner who hangs out at the super Walmart would ask. Yeah let's go to Times Square and find a specific black woman from a year and a half ago

I don't beleive Ants fiddy cent story, obama president nahhh or this one. Ant as we all know is a racist. Not you're "let's hurt black people" type. But has been trained by his family to have a bias towards them and will go out his way to show them in a negative light. Which was what TACS was when he started. He'll act friendly if it benefits him "Patrice, Carlton" but will always feel superior to them. Shame he didn't get a pic of the 5 guys surrounding him.


No. If a black guy had a podcast and only talked about white crime and had a anecdotal stories of when white people kept harassing him you'd feel the same

Not you're "let's hurt black people" type. But has been trained by his family to have a bias towards them and will go out his way to show them in a negative light.

True, but I think that's why he was taking her picture to begin with: to add to his "hur hur look at black people misbehaving" file. Beyond that, I think it more or less went down like he said. She flipped out at being photographed and started wagging her finger in his face, he probably called her a nigger, then she started smacking him.

Idea: let's start an indiegogo campaign and collect reward money. Print flyers with her photo and post them around Times Square. She'll be found in a matter of days. People will rat out their own mother for $500.

The hard part is convincing her to do an AMA. It's the only way we can smoke Ant out of the hab.

If she was found and questioned about the situation do you think she would remember? It was a long time ago. Prostitutes tend to get into a lot of fights.

I think the last time I saw a hooker in Times Square was 1988. That was the big joke in elementary school. "Your mom works on 42nd Street."

True--maybe early 90's though. But it fits into Ant's deluded view of the mythical "DeBlasio crime wave".

I think 6th grade graduation was 1991 so. My mistake....?

Not to split hairs, and I'm about the same age (born '80) but yeah '91 was peak Dinkins, peak violent and not so violent crime in NYC. 2000+ murders, squeegee men, and 'tutes abounding around the Port Authority. A world of difference from today.

The Tenia knows. You have to find the Tenia.

Would that make Ant Monica Bellucci in this scenerio?

the girl looks like the black chick from the tim and eric video Dance Floor Dale.


Damn, that's who she reminded me of.

I'm sure if all the fans who are in NYC just went out at 3am every night and searched the streets they would find her.

Just need one person with a brain who doesn't mind walking around and has a good nose of who to ask.

I walked around time square last Monday after seeing batman v superman around 1:30 - 2am Didn't see her.

Is it possible that it was Bill Burr's wife? It would explain a lot.

I've asked this question a few times when this sub was in "poor Ant" mode, how true was his story? Who is the girl? Why is what he said gospel?

For all we know he could have taken those pics of the black woman, slightly annoyed her, then went home and took a drunken fall and decided it was all her fault.

Because his story doesn't make him look very good to begin with.

I think its very likely too long after the fact now, but if you lived in new york it would have been somewhat easy to try and find her, you just walk around, ask questions, go to strip clubs, ask cops, whatever.


Does anyone know the exact location of where the beating went down?