"Ben Garrison: How The Internet Made A Fake White Supremacist" (like they did to bro Joe)

0  2016-04-04 by bobomobile


“Do an internet search of my name and you’ll see me in a Nazi uniform, which can be a tad off-putting to potential commercial art clients. I lost a lot of work as a consequence. ”


"During the Baltimore riots earlier this year, trolls flooded the online chatroom of a live FOX 10 Phoenix broadcast, and convinced the presenters that Garrison was an “anti-Semitic political cartoonist.”

... "It wasn’t only Nazis who were going after Garrison, though. 4chan, home of the internet’s most artful pranksters, quickly saw a chance for lulz. Garrison’s comics are a regular feature across the anonymous imageboard, a leviathan of web culture famous for turning obscure figures into memes – sometimes not for their own good."

God I remember these. I learned a lot.

Is getting caught part of our plan?


4chan's /b/ board.

Zyklon Ben came from /pol/