There's a common theme amongst these Trump hating comedians

0  2016-04-03 by Ant_Sucks

Donald Trump is teetotal, doesn't smoke and graduated with a degree in economics. He doesn't want to outlaw alcohol and cigarettes. He just believes they hinder personal happiness and success

  • Sarah Silverman - college dropout, smokes weed daily.
  • Doug Stanhope - NO college, chronic alcoholic and drug abuser
  • Jim Jeffries - No degree, chronic alcoholic and drug abuser
  • Russel Brand - No college, recovering heroin addict and alcoholic
  • Louis CK - No college and regular drug user. Also fat

Add to the list


Over 60% of Americans don't like Trump. There are bound to be a few "drug" using comedians who didn't graduate from college among them.

And look at the profile of one Trump supporter named Anthony cumia:

  • no high school degree
  • alcoholic
  • arrested for domestic violence
  • beats mentally handicapped people
  • has publicly stated his sexual attraction for 13 year old girls.


you forgot the constant rape fantasies and racism

Anthony Cumia: The Dream Rapist

i remember it being a funny listen if you've never heard it before

I said comedians.

There's also a common theme amongst people that bring up Trump. They're boring and should die painfully.

It's an election year. Get used to it.

Then you'll have 4 more years of it.

You're a faggot for having a horse in that phony race.

I don't actually. I just like arguing, but it's also nice to be right.

Jim Norton- Goin' to the gym ahn eatin better.

he still sucks tranny cock.

He doesn't drink because his brother was an alcoholic who died from drinking too much.

I didn't know Stanhope had more no college than everybody else thanks.

Yeah but he's like totally racist and literally hitler, feel the bern

Don't forget this place isn't any different from the rest of Reddit

More like there's a common theme among comics in general - they're mostly life fuckups that have substance abuse problems.

For some reason this gives me flashbacks to that awful O&A caller "YOU GUYS DIDN'T DRINK BEERS IN HIGH SCHOOL OR CHAS STANK!" Linger Longer I suppose.

That caller was NOT awful.

I still laugh thinking about it so point to the caller. Is it anywhere on youtube?

It's more ironic that the comics don't get the joke.

Another common theme is that Trump is funnier than all of the comedians who hate him.

You are an aborigine Australian, why do you care?

However it's bullshit trump doesn't drink and do drugs. All of his asinine tweets come out late at night when he's zooted.

Can someone help this gentleman get what ever is crammed up his butt out of his butt? He's stinking the room up. Thanks

Why is Ant sucks so concerned about America and a defunct radio show from it? There has to be plenty of ways to be a lonely loser there. Go campaign to get Howard back as prime minister and get that shit hole country turned back around again.

I don't actually. I just like arguing, but it's also nice to be right.