Ant, Jim and Ants biker brother bitch and moan about internet anonymity but if Ant used an alias on July 4th he'd still have that Sirius gig.

38  2016-04-03 by Lilcumia


He'd never do that he's a narcissist. Plus he's not smart.

All he had to do was save it for the air. He could have told the whole story in context in a much funnier way to his fans and nobody else would have ever heard it or given a shit. While he was ranting Jimmy could have made jokes and it would have been actually enjoyable. The downfall of the show was when they started trying to be internet stars instead of just goddamn radio hosts. You don't hear Ronnie B on Monday recapping all the shit he tweeted over the weekend.

I didn't even know Ronnie was on Twitter.

Exactly. He has his own radio show!

Jim has been shown this point time and time again, and sometimes he'll see the logic and say "I get why people are anonymous online" but as soon as someone criticizes him, it's back to "fuckin anonymous jerkoffs..."

Because mocking Jimmy ain't the same as being a fucking whistleblower, cock face. Don't reckon there's a difference?

Jim complaining about anonymity is just hilarious. The guy is a fucking idiotic lunatic, most people that are in to the fetishes he is into need anonymity to live normal lives. The guy is so detached from reality, yet he tries to come from a perspective of being a regular person. That's why he did his regular joe character to mock himself and his fans. Jim having an advice show is actually destructive to his listeners. Jim should know that he is not qualified to give anyone advice.

Also if Anthony would have just went on periscope or some live streaming app it would have been better content and no one except his fans would have seen it. Going on that Twitter rant was basically forcing Sirius to do something. And if Anthony would have apologized and went to rehab then he could have saved his job. Instead he goes to rehab a year and a half later because he beat up his 20 something live in girlfriend because she was mad that he cheated on her with a transgender sex worker.

This should be his eulogy

Ant has also spoken about having an alias on the forum Niggermania

Thank god he didn't use his real name. Can anyone find his niggermania screename? That'd be epic. I'd love to read his posts.

Interesting idea. I'll be it would be fairly easy to do, because he uses the same catch phrases all the time.

That's like trying to find a Cumia in a Cumia stack.

I can't begin to imagine the disastrous pileup of false positives if this sub tried to do that.

"PurebloodSoldier88 says 'holy fuck!' a lot, guys, there's no way that's not Anthony."

I'm guessing it's something like "Joe Cumia Jr"

They are not very bright men.

NO EVERYONE NEEDS TO USE THEIR REAL NAME OTHERWISE THEY'RE A PUSSY. That's what I've never understood about these dinosaurs. The best thing about the internet is that you're anonymous and can say whatever you want without dealing with the repercussions of it. True freedom of speech. For comics that are constantly fighting the PC movement and SJWs, you would think they would understand that.

We're not all middle aged road comics who make a living yelling about things we don't understand.

It is going to be a long month of shit posts.

Goes both ways. It's not like Jim has experienced better service from United despite his endless bitching under his real name and quasi-celebrity status.

He'd probably still have the gig too if he just made a public apology. Say what you wil about being hypocritical but I'd make a bullshit apology in order to keep my 2-3 million a year gig.


He also could of apologized and come back which he chose not to do. He didn't want anonymity when tweeting that.
