guarantee you this doco will piss all over the funded doco..

28  2016-04-02 by [deleted]



Who the fuck says "doco" as a short form of "documentary?" But I agree.


That's what lyndsi calls them to Gregg

I have nothing against opies wife, but her parents must have been dumb as dirt since they thought Lindsey was spelled Lynsi.

I don't believe they are smart people.

It's a white trash/black thing.

North Philly all the way.

Some of us don't have the time to type out the word "documentary". We are too busy watching sweet fan-mad docos.

Some of us are also too busy prepping bread bowls.

Or bred bulls in your case.

Due to your cuckoldry, you see.




Doco? What the fuck.

These comedians sure fetishize their dumb ideas of what the truth is. I love patrice but his goofy philosophies unraveled pretty quickly under the slightest scrutiny.

They are all mentally ill high school drop outs who just develop a god complex because people listen to them.

Ope, Ant, and Jim were the worst with this. They used to preach this "brutal honesty" crap, but when it came back their way they just couldn't hack it. They are all completely full of shit.

his goofy philosophies unraveled pretty quickly under the slightest scrutiny

any examples?

Basically everything he ever suggested about how to treat your girlfriend was not good advice.

the stuff he said about women was actually not that outrageous

the core of his philosophy was that the man should be the king and that the women should be below the king (queen) and a "50/50" relationship or a relationship where the women is the king just ends in unhappiness

Maybe not all that outrageous, and always very funny, but he would tell other people to act like he did like it was guaranteed to work, when the harsh reality is that more often than not, acting like that would have probably just led to a messy breakup and chronic loneliness. Quite honestly, I enjoy being an equal with my girlfriend. I pursued her because I thought she was awesome, not because I thought i was superior to her. Seems a lot healthier than "listen up bitch: you an inferior ho, and i'm your king".

good luck trying to convince a woman who's not a desperate 3 that you're her "king". see how far you get with that one your highness. do you realise how dumb you sound?

King leader captain whatever you wanna say that's not really the point and Patrice's girl was way more than a 3

yeah, and she was such a valuable person that is doing really well for herself on her own merit since patrice died...Oh wait. No she's not. She's clinging to his name and sullying it in a desperate attempt at staying relevant.

like i said, good luck. you think she wouldve latched onto patrice and let him, LET HIM, be her "king" if he were a construction worker and not a minor celebrity?

Aside from the o and a universe Patrice was a literally who when he was alive and the king thing is just a metaphor for being the dominate one you autist don't know why your so hung up on that

and im saying neither he nor you could be a "dominant" anything. do you really think any woman's just gonna put up with being the "submissive"? she can just leave and prove your "dominance" hollow. its that easy. she has to let you be the dominant one for anything to work the way you say it should.

do you really think any woman's just gonna put up with being the "submissive"?

but they do all the time when they chase after guys who act dominant and treat them like shit.

she can just leave and prove your "dominance" hollow.

I would take that chance to be honest. I don"t want to end up like my dad who is always getting yelled at by my mother and is a total loser in her eyes all because he let her be equal in the relationship

I don"t want to end up like my dad

shouldve just started with that



Spoken like a true redpilled virgin.

The only problem I had with him saying some of the things he did was that he would group everyone together. All women do this, all Asians do that. Obviously he was going for a joke most the time but he truly did believe a lot of the shit he said.

Thing is though, we all have those thoughts. He just went through with saying them to a national audience.

like that time he despised all asians because that one asian restaurant refused to give him free food as thanks for all the times he's eaten there.

he really was a fountain of earthy wisdom wasnt he

He's spot on with chinese restaurants.

Yeah I work at a Japanese place and we don't do shit for our regulars.


such as?

I agree, but it's hard to fully develop an ethos when your main goal is to be funny and you have an hour on a stage to explain it.

Is it?

Yo quiero Doco Bell

Did Patrice's Ex/Gold Digger officially abscond with the money yet, or is she still on her ghoulish "Gimme Dat" tour?

Somewhere she and Jimmy are clinking glasses of non-alcoholic grape drink and toasting the age of online begging.


Can someone upload this elsewhere please? It's banned from us UK fags for some reason. Thanks a bunch.

Just watched this on my big screen, holy shit that was good :(

Its quite the document-tree

Thank you sun beam


Wow you just reminded me that's a thing. Wtf is happening with that POS

To be fair, this is really good.

ok, good, ppl already commented on the use of the term "doco"

This video contains content from Channel 5, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Dirty bastards.

USA only plz

My apologies, I shall remove myself.

I came here for the sole purpose of telling you to kill yourself for typing "doco" not once, but twice in a thread title. I see that others have beat me to it.

This is awesome. I've never seen it before

0/10 not enough Von.

Is "doco" some faggoty british abbreviation, like "maths"?

Dude I had never seen this, thanks!

Great moment at 5:20 where Bill trashes Opie's dumb ass. hahaha great!

Patrice was perfect on the show and on tough crowd. On stage, he wasn't very good though.

Yeah I work at a Japanese place and we don't do shit for our regulars.