SAMCRO Joe's private tweets are being duplicated at @JosephCumia2U

87  2016-04-02 by Wolosocu


It really bothers me how the Cumia brothers think they're smart.

This is honestly the scariest part. Two uneducated people that somehow think they have it "figured out".

And they still think this despite having to go to rehab to lessen the eventual sentence or lost several jobs because of racist tweets. And who the fuck he is kidding when he has a pic of him with a black lady? Does that excuse everything? Are they singing Ebony & Ivory as well?

I love how you think of them as the Borg.


He's still trying hard to justify his racism. Those gigs must be evaporating like water in the desert.


In this moment, I am euphoric


Leave it to a wop to make this pasta


holy shit this is great.

I like this one.

No Joe, we KNOW you because you're Anthony's asshole brother, all the other attention is because once we knew of you we stayed because you are hilariously stupid and a laughable and we enjoy watching you get in a huff about everything, or pretending not to.

Nah we hate him not because he's Anthony's brother but because he takes some responsibility for the success of O & A and he leeches money off of his brother and then claims he is successful.

This has always bothered me...I believe he's said that he is part of the "original cast" of the O&A show.

Reality: He strummed a guitar on a pretty well known song to help his brother get his dream gig and over the years, would call in to corroborate his brother's on-air stories related to their white-trash upbringing. Oh...and another parody song about Black Earl. He's an unoriginal leech.

He's the very definition of a celebrity's unknown sibling trying to cash in on the family name.

Except he isn't even as well known as Frank Stallone, Casey Affleck, Don Swayze and Haylie Duff.

Anthony isn't even as well known as Frank Stallone, Casey Affleck, Don Swayze or Haylie Duff.

Chuck I had a double burger


The sub owns you. Now piss off jackass.


Bum father? Are you mistaking my dad for yours Joe? My dad didn't abandon his family to go be a cowboy. My dad worked a job, stayed married for over 50 years to the same woman and was a true example of what a man should be. Shame you can't say the same about the piece of filth who sired you.

And you talk about someone standing on their own two feet? HAHAHAHAHA You delusional fuckwad!!! You take money from your YOUNGER brother!! Without his handouts you wouldn't have that house he is paying the mortgage on or that wall of guitars he bought for you. You're a mediocre guitar player who treads on your brothers name to get gigs where you play OTHER peoples music because you are not original or intelligent enough to come up with your own stuff. Look in the mirror and the face you see looking back is the one your daughter sees, a bum of a father she will never be proud of when she gets older and figures out Uncle Anthony gives you everything you have.

As to needing assistance to handle you? You are of below average intelligence and Bobo could beat you in a battle of wits. You're unoriginal and unfunny and just disgrace yourself every time you come on here under one of your many alts. It's a great deal of fun for everyone here to bash you because you are too stupid to know when you are losing badly.

And physically, I'd never need assistance to take you. But luckily for you I don't abuse the elderly, especially mentally handicapped ones such as yourself.

Now run on out and take more pictures with random black people to prove you aren't a racist because that idea of yours is so great! I am sure it will work and won't cause the many people who cancelled your gigs to laugh at you for being so childish and ham handed in your attempts to deny all the stuff you said about blacks and others.


You've been owned faggot. Now go sleep in the bed Anthony bought you.

And all this time we thought it's because he owns a house and your family is dirt poor. Thanks for clearing that up.

Awwww little princess has created yet another alt. Joe didn't own shit until Anthony started supporting him.

And your true identity is showing because you only respond to my posts about what a scumbag, leeching piece of shit, unsuccessful, barely able to play the guitar, hack cover band member, racist asshole Joe is. Hmmmmmmm I wonder who you really are?

Now run along, fuck off and remember.....Boo Hoo faggot.

Before you ever post again please learn which "your or you're" to use. I understand you grew up poor and uneducated in a subsidized affordable housing rental apartment but it's painful for us intelligent people to tolerate.

Awww auto correct got me but I'm sorry it upset you so much Princess Joe. Now you better go call Anthony and keep those lips firmly attached to his ass and your hands in his pockets so you can make your mortgage this month since so many of your gigs are vanishing.

And never forget, your father was a scumbag who ran out on his family, skipped out on rent constantly, destroyed the houses he stayed in, stole electricity and was just an all around piece of garbage. So don't feel bad, being raised by someone of such low character it's no surprise you and your brother grew up to be the pieces of shit you are.

Oh one last thing, before you attack someone for their supposed lack of intelligence, I suggest you read the last part of your second sentence. There is a glaring error there. And really based on all your tweets and those groveling, poorly written e-mails you composed to try and save your gigs, you are the last person that should attack anyone over spelling or grammar errors.

Fuck off and remember..... Boo hoo faggot.

Ha ha dumb ass forgot which account to log into. Now we know both faggot BannedKeith and DaveNone are you loser. Just as we expected.

Fuck off and remember..... Boo hoo faggot.

Failed in your detective work the same way you constantly fail in life Joe. ShadowBanned isn't me. He's just borrowing my oh so witty and appropriate reply to your nonsense. You're the only one pitiful and weak minded enough to make multiple alts to try and prove your point. But you only end up showing what a jackass you are.

Nice try though dick. Then again being the mentally challenged moron you are, you'll assume you are right and keep thinking that he and I are the same person. So please do carry on thinking we are one and the same and prove just how stupid you truly are.

Jesus Christ do you have fucking faggots have nothing better to do with your pointless lives than fuck with the brother of a former radio shock jock? How you people are able to justify not putting a bullet through your brain stem on a daily basis is baffling to me.

Its tough but actually laughing at joe for being a fucking retard is one of the Few things keeping me alive.


He's right ya know.

His stupidity never fails.

... or fails to entertain immeasurably!

"Heh, heh, heh. My "Reddit is Jealous" scheme is fool-proof! Surely a search of "Joseph Cumia reddit" won't backfire on...

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! Wait, wait...I can fix this! Where's a direct link to a reddit thread from 3 months ago of them just calling me garbage?"

"WHEW! Black Earl will be tweeting his support any minute now. Then all I have to do is sit back and wait for the apologies from all the venues who cancelled."

Look at the layout of his own sub (NSFW). The Cumias really are perverts:

How is this not brought up more often, I'd never seen this.

Did any of his black friends tweet him in support? God I hope not

God's work.

His tweets seem to indicate that he thinks about this sub, and the individuals that frequent it a lot. This is probably negatively affecting his self esteem.

Holy shit he's trying way to hard to prove he's not racist, the guy is a fucking imbecile.

You guys have made this guy truly loss it. It's a treat to watch.

I like how he starts tweets that link to racist shit with this is fact.

His IQ has to be high 80s/low 90s tops. I'm surprised he doesn't drown from looking up in the rain.

Oh my god I forgot the password!

You have to love how an ex-cook in the Army w/no education calls others ignorant & is clueless as to how his past comments and tweets make him look. He's just epic in his lack of self-awareness.

Need to get this verified. #Justice4FakeRoland

Just when you thought he couldn't get any dumber...


I love that his clever plan to deal with trolls is always, "No, fuck YOU!"

Quick question, not on Twitter but if someone's tweets are private can only followers read them? If so I applaud the brave soul following that retard

Yes, only followers can read their Tweets. I wrote a script/program that checks Joe's Twitter every few minutes and if he's written anything, the script reposts (I hesitate to say retweet, since that already has another meaning) the tweets on the open Joe account. I also plan to release this script in the wild so that others with a little technical know-how can do the same thing.

Please do. Can't say I'd use it, as much as I'd just like to see what the code looks like.

