For a second I thought this was a parody account.

47  2016-04-01 by SHUT_UP_STUPID


Protecting his tweets but then writing some incomprehensible racially charged bullshit and putting the word 'RACIST' in all caps in his bio is totally a BroJoe move.

Making your twitter private is a great way to prove you aren't a racist.

I've literally never seen a profile with an "I'm not racist, I swear" picture and an "I'm actually quite racist" blurb directly below it.

We still have his racist screenshots. As soon as this jerk-off posts his shitty bands' upcoming dates, I am going to launch an unceasing offensive advising these venues of his racist bullshit. I hope I am not alone...

I'm usually on the side lines enjoying the havoc you cretins create but bro joe particularly annoys me. I'm all in with the next campaign. I saved the screen caps. He gonna learn.

please start a thread containing current dates (i know they are out there) and we can all post what ever info we can find on the venues and the promoters..



Also the web archive page, so you can prove nothing's been photoshopped. I don't know who had those though.

I used to enjoy that venue, no more..


Taking a pic with a negro exonerates every time you have called them niggers, animals savages, sub humans.

Losing gigs still, are we Joey?

We still have no effect on your life?

You still laughing at us?

How much harder in your ass should we drive it?

Listen, it's a select handful of 7-8 "haters" is all.

Welcome to the cloud.

"Sqoor shepped cloooood"

Space shuttle endeavoooor

If that is real, Joe is a SPECTACULAR moron!


Is that the one he just bought at the auction?

Holy shit that profile picture is scary. The next frame is him whipping out his bifocals and inspecting her teeth.

Scrubbing Furiously with Lysol the moment Boss Joe puts down his selfie cam.

Taken out of context this photo could be damning.

It's a good thing we all know it was merely chlorine he was adding to the pool.

He spared no costs to make sure his pool water was clean. Just look at that hustle!

We don't like dem spooks on the job site.


points at Anthony

This, is Chewbacca. Chewbacca, is a wookiee...

Ugh, I know right? What the fuck is going through that moron's mind.

It wish it was a bullet.

He's so fucking embarrassing. How does he still manage to take himself this seriously?

Was he always this stupid and crazy or did we do this to him?

It was always there we just brought it out

old, ugly, and stupid

I missed the day in stats class where they taught you how to properly apply the descriptor "shaved ape."

He's losing it

(Sigh) Joe...Imgur

fucking douche, hanging with the daughter of the Times Square camera lady

oh, no.....

Eh, the guy claims he's not a racist, who am I to say he's not? Whadda I know?

Pfff! Jesus Christ! Son of a bitch!

All he talks about is his racism lol.

I like it when retards talk about logic and deductive reasoning

Me and some niglette.

Redditards can't stop talking about BJ. His success must be killing you jealous nerds.

aha! who is down-voting this guy?

hes clearly joking...."success"

good one man, fucking killer.

It's a good thing we all know it was merely chlorine he was adding to the pool.

He spared no costs to make sure his pool water was clean. Just look at that hustle!