Gavin on Thursdays TACS

0  2016-04-01 by Timmy_branmuffins

All you need to go listen to what Gavin said in the beginning of the show about the case.. I think he was talking to most of you here.


No one should listen to anything Gavin says, at least not at face value. I think somewhere around 2013 he suffered severe brain damage, or just decided to do a more intense Colbert Report character that he never snaps out of.

This video is for subscribers only.

No thanks.

Ehh, I don't know I think you could be a bit off on this one. He clearly mentions putting it in the paper and reddit is on the internet, not a printed form of news / communication nor is it considered journalism in any sense or an internet 'paper' it's a discussion based message board that reacts to news.

Don't give this idiot the time of day. He's the ballwashing baby who went tattletaling to Keith about free TACN content:

Wow /u/Timmy_branmuffins is a fuckin rat? This should have been made a bit more public.

You guys already posted that many times..

Well I've never seen it ya dirty snitch. You should leave.

Ok.. I'll leave just because YOU said so.. 😂

Or leave because even people who never watch TACs would think you're a faggot for trying to ass kiss snitch for approval.

"The show sucks so bad I wouldn't even watch for free" then it turns out y'all were watching for free and got butthurt that the have to pay and actually support the show now .. Piss off faggot. Pay and support the show... Or say it blows and don't watch it at all. But piss off with this closet fan shit where you hate the show to be cool among your Reddit friends and listen for free everyday when nobody's watching. "Ha ha that was a good one Ant"

I never said I wouldn't watch the show for free, obviously I will. Even if I was saying that you're still the guy going KEITH, ANT! THEY'RE NOT PAYING!

Yes the kid's smoking in the bathroom are breaking the rules, but you're the faggot who tells on the kids smoking in the bathroom.

You are a complete faggot.

Call me what you will.. This isn't big SXM.. This is TACS that's future actually depends on subs.. I know the goal of this sub is to destroy it. My goal as a fan is to support it. That's what I did.. You all cried war.. Now you cry foul when I fight back? Eww go blow!

The goal of this sub has never been to destroy he TACN, just get our voices heard about how shitty the show is, and maybe ant would change it, instead we were called haters for having genuine opinions.

First.. Many have said directly that's the goal.. (May not have been yours spicifically) second.. Pirating the show is out to destroy TACS you idiot and if you genuinely cared about the future of it you'd support it by paying for it. And 3rd wishing physical harm to me via pm (I'd never do that shit over a silly radio show to anyone) makes you a piece of shit.. So go fuck yourself GRIZx. That kind of shit is why most of the world can't stand you. Grow the fuck up.

You don't understand humor do you?

That's the kind of horseshit that deserves him being banned from the sub.

With -100 comment karma he is probably that mentally ill sperg with dozens of accounts.

They are free to ban me at anytime.. Fact is I'm only guilty of being an Opie & Anthony fan on an "Opie & Anthony" subreddit.. Besides these homos love kicking me around too much to get rid of me anyway.. (Hence -100 comment karma) and no this is my only account.

Let's say everything went your way and reddit went away forever, all there was left was TACS. You would be so bored of it so quickly! It's a nothing show with nothing happening on it. reddit makes the show fun for you too. You're just getting the opposite enjoyment out of reddit that most redditors are by playing the other side. In the end, you're just another part of reddit.

There's an old saying that goes "When you entertain the clowns, you become part of the circus"

"I am essential to the war effort!"

To think I use to like so many people here. I guess this is just the way it has to be... Many of you aren't so bad.. Some are just plain horrible humans.. I enjoy the jokes l, the photoshops.. I'm actually a pretty laid back guy. I don't care for the going after sponsors, trying to destroy the show, shutting down Joes gigs (no matter what you think of him) attacking Jim for his indiegogo.. just known a lot of you fuckers for a long time.. And for a few it's right on par for the expected.. But some of this is against everything we've ever stood for.

We probably agree on a lot. First of all we don't agree about pirating. Pirating does not hurt Anthony enough to matter, the actual number of torrent downloads etc. are completely dwarfed by the real numbers of viewers/listeners to the material. When a torrent has 167 total downloads after 3 days and Anthony's YouTube videos are getting 3k views per day, TACS free YouTube stream on Gavin marathon was getting 1,300 people at 11AM on a Monday..... look at the numbaAahz man. You can rest assured that TACS pirating is very small potatoes. I'd also argue that O&A have both participated in and encouraged fan pirating in the past, the culture doesn't just change overnight with the cohost's career status, it'd be impossible for it to. TACS pirating is just about getting TACS for free. All of the pirates would be sad if TACS was destroyed because then they wouldn't have anything to download for free.

Consider this, the person who had been consistently distributing Anthony's show for free (mothergoose58) and every single side show for more than 1 year was not trying to destroy TACS because she shut down her torrents when the mods of /r/tacsdiscussion shut that sub down. This is a person that according to the philosophy you're saying, she is the ultimate destroyer, she actually can substitute a complete subscription and was 100% consistently reliable to the point where one could forgo a subscription altogether and many did. However look at her move, she thought she was standing for the show. All pirates want to do is get shit for free basically, and honestly being that it's so miniscule as the numbers show, not even Keith or any of the staff are thinking about it unless it falls into their lap.

Another thing is... my biggest reasoning for why people are going at BroJoe like that is because of DeRosa. What happened to DeRosa here set a serious precedent and Anthony not only validated and encouraged it, he did a play-by-play all winter long chronicling the plight of Joe DeRosa's internet presence and laughed along the way, DeRosa tried to call him to stop the carnage and he laughed at it and said no, it continues, on his own show. I don't believe that means that some cosmic force should put that on Anthony, but the point is he put the beehive in his own back yard and tried to become the beekeeper of this place. Then he got angry when he realized that bees don't listen to people and have no loyalty, he threw a rock at the beehive and let everybody get stung. It's not our job as fans to enable Anthony or clean up his messes, it's really not a bad lesson for him to learn, then he won't do that type of stuff again and this place won't morph into that waterfall village in Mad Max for the week. Honestly the best thing a real fan could do is sit back and let the natural consequences play themselves out so Ant learns to stop fucking with this place like it's his pet army. Just my opinion on your philosophy but to each their own.

You and I do agree on a lot.. Some of these other guys too... But many are just followers and will just go with whatever the daily trend is for the week.

As for piracy, stealing is stealing no matter how you wanna try and justify it., as far as the actual affected by the piracy? When it was the old ONA days they didn't really care (SXM did) because they were on a contract that paid them an agreed amount of money and they got that regardless of how many subs. And they were more concerned about getting the show to the masses.. (While I can care less about corporate SXM, morally I still don't pirate.. I pay via audible for OJ) With Ants network it's literally dependent on subs for its future success. Especially when it's a new startup and trying to bring in new talent. I'm also big on artists getting paid for thier art so maybe we just won't see eye to eye on this one.

As for Derosa he brought so much of that on himself.. What am I gonna tell my black friends? He's still doing it with the Muslim shit. But was anyone calling for his gigs to get cancelled? Because that's bullshiit too. I poked a little at Derosa but also defended him when he made good arguments back... I guess there's a difference between giving someone shit on Twitter and calling sponsors and getting gigs cancelled... Trying to really ruin people's lives.

Btw.. Thanks for the discussion.. Usually it's "you're a faggot, stfu" mentality..

Respect for standing by how you feel about things and no problem you too

You're a faggot, stfu

Great timing!

Oh dear... this type of behavior can often be the result of unresolved issues with the [percieved] father figure in his life. Developing the intense emotional attachment and connection to his new perceived father figure (It could be Anthony, Gavin, Keith, TACN itself as an entity, or a mix/ever-changing combination of these) and yearning to become part of a cause or to take up one (that exists only within a screen and has no prospect at leading to a financial/career benefit) is often due to the subject (in this case Timmy) desperately avoiding a sense of responsibility within his own life, and the intense and explosive connection he is developing towards his self-appointed internet mission and/or patriarchal figure is a self-defense mechanism that causes his mind to percieve the imaginary mission to be of dire and immediate importance while compartmentalizing his neglected real-world responsibilities, subconsciously marginalizing the importance of them.

Eat shit, cum-guzzler.

"Show me how you suck a guy's cock."

Wow /u/Timmy_branmuffins is a fuckin rat? This should have been made a bit more public.

Oh dear... this type of behavior can often be the result of unresolved issues with the [percieved] father figure in his life. Developing the intense emotional attachment and connection to his new perceived father figure (It could be Anthony, Gavin, Keith, TACN itself as an entity, or a mix/ever-changing combination of these) and yearning to become part of a cause or to take up one (that exists only within a screen and has no prospect at leading to a financial/career benefit) is often due to the subject (in this case Timmy) desperately avoiding a sense of responsibility within his own life, and the intense and explosive connection he is developing towards his self-appointed internet mission and/or patriarchal figure is a self-defense mechanism that causes his mind to percieve the imaginary mission to be of dire and immediate importance while compartmentalizing his neglected real-world responsibilities, subconsciously marginalizing the importance of them.

That's the kind of horseshit that deserves him being banned from the sub.

With -100 comment karma he is probably that mentally ill sperg with dozens of accounts.