What is the best alternative if you want a powerful, authoritative host like Anthony during month of April?

0  2016-04-01 by bobomobile

I'd suggest Alex Jones. He does satire, calls out race hustlers, feminazis, some pop culture, pro-gun, strong sounding authoritative voice ...

He has a constant loop of his show if you have the app or the link to the audio stream. Always up to date on current issues.


Gavin McInnes is too much of a hipster, wannabe cuckster.

Norton-cuck, Soder-liberal jew, Bennington- fat man girly voice, Shaffir open borders liberal jew, like Seth R. doesnt respect brother Joe's/Jesse's US Military, Quinn-okay, Vos-Israel Firster...

What about Kurt Metzger, that guy is a liberal cuck jew. Kurt attacked Supreme Court Scalia. Justice Antonin Scalia was the most powerful Italian in history since Caesar.

... Oakerson- wannabe tough guy punk rocker jew, Joe List & Mark Normand- Both look & sound like Jews.


Wow, you're awful.

Alex Jones is a nonsense spewing dope 99% of the time to make money off dopes. He spews how the media lies to you and controls you and him and the infowars people do the same fucking shit.

Also, now that you have insulted CQ it is inevitable that the gods will cast unimaginable pain and horror into your life.

Anthony "powerful, authoritative"? He's the biggest pussy in greater NYC. You should definitely say "jew" and "cuck" more though.

The guy that changes my oil really hates blacks, and I think he has a drinking problem. I'll give him a call.

Looks like you thrive on hate, ignorance, and bullshit. Luckily easily obtained. Suggest you download a daily dose of Crazytrump with a Cruzerloser chaser.

Tom lykus.


sorry, a cursory glance of your post shows there's too many annoying jargon words and cliche labels, not reading

so he's a hipster, but he only wants to be a cuckster? im really losing touch with all the new lingo

Trump radio interviews and Roger Stone and Alex Jones trashing buffoon affirmative action pundits has been hysterical.