Drank and did a bit of blow for 2 years - Lil Jimmy doling out the TRUTH

0  2016-03-31 by crookedmile

This dude is a walking Reefer Madness billboard. Fuck you Jimmy.


Dude he couldn't even laugh without taking mescaline!

He's such a tortured artist... We civilians have no idea what it must be like to be so imprisoned by your own genius. He's always walkin that tightrope where he's one Mike's Hard Lemonade away from being right back in the gutter...

And dont minimize the danger of food prepared with alcohol

I don't mind the rehab talk as much. It's the "As a comedian..." or "We comedians tend to..." that really bugs me.

You must hate Luis "J" Gomez then, he's the fucking worst at that.

You forgot the "ing" at the end of blow.

When I was 7 I bought one of those really big Pixie Stix from Mr. Bulky's in the mall and I ate the whole thing.

Jimmy could actually make himself non-repugnant by just saying that a few of his childhood friends got tangled up with drugs and died early, and he saw himself taking the first steps in that direction.

Don't forget his mescaline habit.

Ron is like a battle hardened Vietnam vet who had to chase gooks down holes with his bare hands and Jimmy is the soldier who invaded Grenada on the weekend and acts like they are both on the same level.