Opie chimes in on Anthony going to Rehab

32  2016-03-31 by [deleted]


Nothing in the history of O&A is as douchey as when Jimmy starts talking about addiction.

You just don't understand the darkness of the several weeks of addiction he went through.

Oh, you all joke about it but if you've been there you know. I'm in a similar situation myself right now. Yesterday I was going to have 2 biscuits with my cup of tea, but as I was waiting for the kettle to boil I ate one of them, when my tea was ready I went and got a third biscuit... It's not the first time I've done this... I fear it might not be the last.

Oh and by biscuit I guess I mean cookie. I don't know American biscuits are but I know they're different than what I call biscuits.

Oh and by biscuit I guess I mean cookie

We figured that out when you said you were drinking tea ya limey faggot

I'm not English, ya cunt.

Well what are you then? I need to be accurate with racial/ethnic slurs.

Well since your genius detective skills led you to use "tea" as the basis of my nationality, I'm from a country that drinks more tea per capita than the UK

And the correct slur would sound like the McDonalds version of a bastard.

Vague cunt.

There is 4 countries to choose from there: Turkey, Morocco, Ireland, and Mauritania. The other geniuses here have figured out I'm from Mauritania.

"Hey, ya McBastard, why don't you drink some kawwwfeeee?" Typical American reaction to meeting an Mauritanian.

I guarantee there is not a single O&A fan who has ever even been to Mauritania. If you're really a sand nigger, I can't wait until a fleet of these roll in and deliver you some freedom.

Oh Jesus! Yeah, I really am from Mauritania.

At the least the other fuckers can claim that they were joking. The level of retardation around here now explains all this fucking Opie-praise happening today.

you still drink tea

Yes, the superior choice, like Colin Quinn when he was on Comedians in Cars...


would you believe that there is one from Bosnia?

And I remember once a fan from Ukraine called into the show

edit : oh to stay on topic - nobody here gives a two fucks about tea or buiscuits or whatever those faggots from Maniatania call them

Ya feckin Barrys Tea Bandit Cultchy!


Where the fuck is that, anyway?

Where the Moors come from


I know we joke around a lot here, but I really hope you get help. In fact, I would call the Jim Norton advice show, he knows just what to say to serious addicts such as yourself.

I've had dark thoughts man... I've found my self walking around my kitchen with a butter knife in my hand waiting for something to happen, I don't what exactly, but something dark... then I hear my toast pop up I snap out of the daze but for those 2 minutes I don't know where my mind goes.

Lay off the biscuits man, you're out of control.

Teenage angst Jimmy is why God invented bullying.

Kimberlys, Custard creams or McVities Digestives? I need to know like!


First I found out that we have several doctors and lawyers reading this sub. Now I find out we got a guy who drinks tea and biscuits like a God damned gentleman. I'm really starting to feel insecure. What if I'm the biggest piece of shit here?

when even opie calls out your bullshit in a "I didn't use to believe you" it has to be bad.

Well, he thinks that his homosexuality is an addiction. In his mind, he is not gay but merely an addict.

Dude he used to smoke marijuana and make prank calls, you don't know how bad it gets.

He used to get drunk and fucking yell at his parents motherfucker you ain't bout that life


Yeah, apparently adjusting is edging in your apartment for 9 hours a day.

Accompanied by multiple split personalities to keep yourself entertained

Yeah Kirk Sinnamin looks like a good time.

Opie saying "BEAUTIFUL" at the end is a close second...

Fuckin A, man.

Besides his comedy, that's the other thing I hate about Jim. I'ts so embarrassing. Other than that I love that sweet boy.

I've never heard Jimmy so happy as talking about Anthony going to rehab.

He's an addiction addict.

Or is he just addicted to being an addiction addict?

He's adDICted, adDICted, he's adDICted to suck a good dick.

this thread is addicting

I really find it amazing how much of a high road Opie is taking

if you were still making millions while the partner that got you there that you completely hated was irrelevant and in rehab you would be happy enough on the inside that you wouldnt need to express it. He's dumb as a rock but I think even he knows its obvious he won here and taking the high road just makes it look worse for ant.

boom. Opie has already "won"... now he can take the high road and say nice things, because it doesn't matter. He's in the catbird seat for life.

Every time Opie says something about Anthony without insulting him, he's hurting Ant more than any words ever could. Opie may be comedically retarded but he knows how to manipulate people's emotions.

This might be the truest statement ever posted in this sub.


It's almost commendable... almost.

Honestly, I think Opie was hurt; some of it his own doing by his own admission, being hurt makes you do stupid things.

"I certainly hope he gets something out of it"

"I've seen what he is capable of doing, especially when sober and its absolutely ridiculous. I hope he has the confidence to know that inside"

"If he chooses a sober life he'll be even better"

Opie still cares on some level, he is not that good of an actor; he sounded sincere.

He finally realized how stupid his outbursts made him look. He knows he just has to chill and let Anthony implode on his own.

christ this is sad. anthony is going through all this to put on a better show for his 24 action bronson-looking listeners. he really has no reason not to drink except to beat this court case and now hes just going to look much worse and have even less sympathy when he starts drinking again immediately. bringing this much attention to it is really gonna fuck him.

Sounds like there are people telling Ant he doesn't need rehab, based on what Jimmy's saying. "They either don't want the party to end, or don't want to look at themselves." Wonder who...

PS - lemon shanties

I'm gonna guess one of the names rhymes with "Ned from Looklyn"

I'm stumped!

"Shanties" ... He's such a dope


Opie said all the things he should have said about someone he once had a close relationship with. Maybe some day down the road they can get together to talk. Opie can have a grapefruit beer, and Ant can have a club soda.

Opie will have a lemon shanty

"I had a crazy run there for a lot of years... me and my buddies would take down a case of Budweiser BEFORE we even went out to the bars. Thats 8 beers each!" -CoolGuyOpie


I love nothing more than when Opie makes up a story on the fly, to try and fit in with the topic at hand. He is the best!

Yeah, like the time he fucked a black chick

"I wasn't ALL IN with the blacks...just a little taste."

What about the time Opie's parents were too poor to allow all their kids to take individual baths so Opie had to go and roll around in the yard 3 individual times to justify a one man bath? That was one of my favourite stories.

Goddamn it, Opie, why do you have to be the nice guy? I DON'T WANT TO LIKE OPIE!

A saint on earth.

Opie calls out Jimmy for being a fake addict. Fucking hero.

Since his recent cuckolding Florentine has reached comedic 'girl trying to imitate a boy' levels of voice deepening.

Oh I dunno. I mean, it's not like he's 4 years old.

"I don't like it. I am not 8..."

I just kept hoping more than anything there was just the sound of the studio door being kicked open and then three gun shots midway through that clip.

Sherrod is somewhere listening to Opie say all how proud he is of Ant and he knows his shot at 3rd mic is over with. Opie probably already deleted Sherrod's number.

The door is open for a Cumia comeback, now that he is "sober" he can make himself look reformed. Anthony will show up in studio before the end of the year. He'll see Sherrod sitting in the studio and scream "get this piece of shit out of my chair!" while struggling to unholster his pistol. Sherrod will run out of the studio and never be heard from again.

Imagine Sherrod is rambling about being black, a gunshot is heard, everyone screams and Anthony says "Is this seat taken?"


Jim Florentine sounds like the reception of a Gay Hotline... not like I'd really know, or anything.

Now which one of us autistic bastards will analyze this audio syllable by syllable?

All. All of us.


I hate to say it but I like Opie in this clip. He's subtly calling Ant out for not taking it seriously and Norton for his bullshit 18year old boy addiction issues. God it's so cringey that he thinks he's a real addict. I don't know a single person who doesn't constantly binge drink and do stupid weird shit at 18.

Just a lil taste of rehab.

Or is he just addicted to being an addiction addict?

you still drink tea