Took a drug test about 2 days ago and still haven't received a call from my employer or the MOR to tell me if I have passed or failed. Does anyone have any expertise in this field? If I haven't received a call does that mean I passed?

0  2016-03-31 by Ronvsfez


Bitch have you done drugs? If so you failed.

If not, you passed. Regardless, asking about it shows that you're worried, and you'd only be worried if you do drugs.

bitch, i have a script for klonopin! I should at least get a call to explain my script, but i havent got a call about that either

Nigga, if you're prescribed to the shit why would it even be an issue? Have your doctor write a fucking note if it becomes a problem. Jesus, are you this clueless in real life? How do you function? Why the fuck are you even asking this on the O&A reddit anyway? There's fucking shit tons of subreddits devoted to asking mundane questions

You ruined my 15 min long cig break you cunt

get back to that assembly line nigga

dont forget your fresh earplugs nigga

Good fucking point. I feel like a horses ass for even replying to the dick who posted this question.

That shits only good for coming off meth. Do some meth, it's great.

Ding ding ding.

and i dont smoke weedums. or anything else. so you are right. I shouldnt be worried.

You just said you take Klonopins, you lying crack head.

This motherfuckers tapestry of drug addled lies is coming undone

well, nothing i dont have a reason too! :D

Dat don't make no sense!

When was the last time you did something that would make you test positive?

Hmmm, best wait it out they might get suspicious that you wanna know so badly if you keep calling.

Well, the dude said I had the job, just waiting the drug test results. But that was 2 days ago and passed up 2 other job offers because this one pays more (12$ an hour) which makes me even more restless knowing im passing on 2 sure things

Was it a hair test? They can take up to a week.

no, just a good ole fashioned american piss test

Well I assume they still send it out to a lab for testing.

I had to quit smoking weed for a month and they only called when the results came back in a sealed envelope I had to go pick up.

Panera Bread does not hire druggies my good sir! Now I am off for my company mandated break wherein I shall indulge my medical cocaine card.

I passed a drug test after smoking for 10 yrs. I quit for a week and looked up some home remedies to clean my system out. I guess it worked, because they never called back.. But i got the job.

Will depend what u tested positive for. If amphetemines or opiates, or even THC depending where u live, they'll call u to see if u have any prescriptions that were not listed on paperwork to trigger positive.

Usually within 2-3 days, you receive the call. But if u tested positive for straight cocaine, PCP, LSD, shirm, skiz, eskimo crystal, hobo sieman, or should hear by day 3.