Guess who Ant attending his 1st AA meeting with?

171  2016-03-31 by JarInYourAsshole


He could have been a model

He could have been a model

He could have been a model

If I had a tumor, I'd name it Dani.

"We're still men." sniff

Ha. Perfect.

Meaty breasted Meatloaf makes a perfect Opie doppelganger. Well done.

This is Opie.

Opie has birch tits.

I always pictured them as more of a maple than a birch.

I guess you learn something new everyday!

Fucking auto correct

Jimmy and his Bartles & Jaymes from 1985.

God this is perfect.

Haha, holy shit thats a good one.

Hopefully the grim reaper?

I don't think this is a real photo

Some would argue that it's all too real.

looks like brother joe in the back to the left.


That's just beautiful. Putting aside their differences for...Wait...Is this shopped? Have I been had?! Fuckers!

Hahaha holy fuck this is genius

I expected Lady Di's pic


In bombing, we all have a name. His name was Gregg Hughes.

HA!!!! gold

Project Tits

If I had a tumor, I'd name it Dani.