Will Ant be able to stay off twitter and this sub for a month?

0  2016-03-31 by Lilcumia


I can't see it, I bet he probably tries to get a phone in there or at least buy some secret computer time. It's going to be torture for him to sit around, and have to deal with real people and real curfews.

Also the first time he hits on a rehab girl, and she laughs him off like it's her father hitting on her is going to be hilarious too. Perhaps those Columbo references can charm some pill popping blue hair out of her drawers though.

The problem with picking a high end rehab facility is that a girl in his age bracket of attraction isn't going to be impressed by his pool and dinosaur statue.

I think it's hilarious his main sell point is that he has a pool. I live in the south and literally everyone has a pool and much bigger yard and some bigger houses.

Granted some are above ground but a lot of the newer places are in ground.

Maybe it's a lot less common in NY but if someone here said " hey you 15 year old, why don't you come over and SWIM in MY POOL!" The response would be "lol ew. No creep I have a pool and there's a lake nearby and an ocean, I don't need your old ass watching me swim"

Well that doesn't change the fact there isnt pools here so it works.

Ant's thumb is going to be a twitching away all day long

You can find drugs in rehab if you try hard enough(you might get caught though) but you cant find internet access.

These will be the hardest vices he has to kick!

He's going to find a way to shitpost here while in rehab