All of Ants problems could have been avoided

5  2016-03-31 by CigarsNCrotch

If he just sat down for lunch and had a pow wow with the opster.


SXM warned his agent about his constant rants about black people. Opie was doing sudokus and deliberately not saying a word during most of his rants because he didn't know how control Anthony anymore. Ant didn't get the hint.

"They aren't people". "I would never apologize".

Either deep down he wanted to self-destruct or he actually could not see he was doing something wrong / he was doing gowd's work saying what needed to be said. I think it was both. He knew the rules of the game.

Stayed off Twitter.

Stop fucking the children of friends of the show would have been good, too.

yeah that's should have kinda been a general rule

You'd think that rule could go without mentioning, yet, here we are...

If McCain won

It all could have been avoided if it wasn't for the blacks.

If his dad never caught the black dude robbing his house and held him at gunpoint in front of a young Anthony.

He ruined himself. With alcohol and social media and "women" (girls) If he just shut his stupid mouth and kept his child loving dick in his pants he woulda been ok.

Not even close to true

No. Opie wanted the show to break up. He's said as much at this point.

Opie wanted the show to break up because he was sick of Anthony being drunk and hungover all the time.

For what? It's pretty clear they couldn't stand each other. Even before Anthony got fired, the show had taken a serious nose dive since at least 2010.

And it was all because of Anthony. He was the real destructive force.

I don't think it was a coincidence that Opie had such a hard time finding a partner. They've told the story on the air a few times.

Opie just felt sorry for the black AC repairman.



You'd think that rule could go without mentioning, yet, here we are...