... And He Had The Balls To Day Lady Di Needs Rehab

0  2016-03-30 by [deleted]

I guess one hopeless drunk recognizes another, huh?


No one days dat to Di

You misspelled Layt Nyuhh.

His absolute hatred / disgust for her makes a lot of sense now.

Cumia's just Lady Di with more money to hide behind, and better taste in booze. I predict one month out of rehab he'll be back with a bottle in his hand.

You misspelled hour

And Sue's cock in the other.

I predict one month out of rehab he'll be back with a bottle in his hand.

That long?

Yeah, I think about a month before we actually see it, but it could secretly happen sooner. I figure he comes out refreshed and resolved to sort it out. Then he realizes it's almost Summer. The parties kick in, the poker nights, and he doesn't want to be a drag, so the light beers, and nips of hard stuff start.

Then, he starts drinking harder to deal with these young twitter girls he'll be trying to pull. Next thing you know Ant's a 30 pack deep like Lady Di.

Couldn't have predicted it better myself.

You almost had it.

I still can't believe this shit is real.

It would have been fun if Ant got that same brain disease Lady Di has and started thinking he is knocking tin again in the 80s.