Where are some of you crazy fucks with religion on this sub?

0  2016-03-30 by Stud_beaner_69

And do some of you get heated wen Jim bashes religion to no end?


No. Religion doesn't get bashed enough to suit me.

No. And, no.

Where are you? If you truly believe in a heaven and hell etc wouldn't you just be a bit smug if someone was pointing out how silly it is rather than start crying about it?

It stinks and I don't like it.

Religion is a tool of the rich to control the dumb masses, maaaan.

Religion is the greatest sham of all time. I actually find it bizarre that O&A/O&J seem to have a lot of Christfags in their audience (usually the fucking mooks who call in to whine every time they bash Ben Carson). If anything is the work of Satan, it's this show.

Nope, don't believe in fairy tales...

Although, I find the actively anti-religious just as annoying as those that believe in a make-believe boogeyman in the sky.

I didn't believe in god until Gavin macinnes explained the complexity of the human ankle bone to me. Now I fuck children and praise the Lord.

Plus it's super manly to belong to the Knights of Columbus.

Nope, waste of life fairy tales

Good one Stalin.

Good one Satan.

Good one Stan.

I wish someone would come up with a bumper sticker with all religious symbols in it that was just one word that was so powerful no one could ignore it while I drive around in my Subaru. I'm like spiritual, man.

Like how we can all live, together?

Religions are like borders man, they divide us. All war is because of relegions. If only we could, "stick together" or "cohabitate". We could all get along. And anyone without the amazing bumper sticker we design is a fascist rascist sexist and should be put in prison and never heard from again.

The universe. Man.

I'm certainly not catholic. I already have a creepy old Italian pedophile in my life.

I am not religious but I prefer religious people over IM ATHEIST DEAL WITH IT types

I liked the people that just shut the fuck up about it.

I don't like how you're dealing with my atheism right now

Your aethiesm is offensive to my agnosticism.

Atheists tend to be the loudest and the cuntiest right now.

I guess it's not a bad deal compared to getting killed for going against religion 500+ years ago, viciously ostracized from the community 500 - 200 years ago, or harangued loudly and cuntily 200 - 30 years ago which is what atheists do now. Just shows that people will always be cunts no matter what they believe in.

Vocal anything is fucking annoying. There's tons of athiest and agnostic people who just don't talk about it.


I don't not believe religions aren't real. I KNOW theyre not. I think its obvious and I dont really care.


Orthodox Jew. And no, I don't give a care.

I'm an atheist with a strong appreciating for various satanic aesthetics.

Clearly Christianity is STUPID, & dumb, & for dumb stupid people. Islam though, is a religion of peace & very progressive. #FeelTheBern!

Omg your like so right. Like, why do we even get involved in other cultures man, it's like, freedom of speech and relegion.