If Ant is ordered to go to rehab would that make him guilty of beating up Dani?

11  2016-03-30 by Lilcumia

I thought she maybe lying but the way he phrased his vagueries it seems he must have kicked her in the ribs.


Any one who thinks this dirty, drunk old man with rage issues didn't beat up that crazy little girl is delusional.

I think the opposite. You can have your fun but it was obviously not a typical dv/wife beating. If she was so intent on periscoping it she would have gotten something much more incriminating.

Strangulation, busted hand, broken ribs. Sounds like fun.

Tell you what. How about we get some guy who outweighs you by 100-125 pounds, get him drunk and frothing at the mouth, have him bounce you around a room and see if you can accurately record what's going on?

I admit I have no idea what happened. Maybe he gave her a people's elbow off the top rope, maybe she's making the whole thing up. Either way, to act like you know for sure is kind of silly.

He did it and I know it. Don't act like both Theories are equally plausible.

That's far-fetched considering what a dingbat Dani is. Kubrick this girl is not. It's more likely that it happened before and she was going to catch it this time.

idk it was going to periscope so its not like she had to worry about saving it and uploading it later. she was obviously trying to incriminate him im sure she could have done a better job

Dani is a yammering spoiled brat. She's also none too bright.

Anthony kicked the shit out of her. I'm sorry that bugs you, but Jesse Ventura-ing it otherwise is a waste of your time.

bugs me? lmao I dont care and if hes really going to rehab this is all a hilarious disaster. but its weird to see people really passionately accuse someone of a violent crime because theyre mad they got their favorite radio show taken away. Sure maybe he did it, but would it kill you to just be realistic about it? Hey if he was really ordered into rehab just disregard any of this, though

Sure maybe he did it, but would it kill you to just be realistic about it?

You're right, the arrest and all these court appearance are as staged as the moon landing.

They have to make an arrest in dv calls. I still think dani was kinda faking it but ant is going to rehab so none of this matters to me anymore.

so none of this matters to me anymore.

Laugh Out Loud

i hope he did do it. this is the funniest and most surreal thing to possibly ever happen in the O&Averse.

At least you're finally being honest about being an Anthony-cheerleading asshole who gets off on women getting beat.

I'll never admit admit circle jerking over racism and violence against women is the right way, but I'm all in with the Ant ridicule now that he's really in rehab and made it a "special announcement" on his podcast. Might be the lowest point in career history in the history of careers.

And I was never an Anthony cheerleader just thought people were gay about a few things, but yeah I'm sure I've been an idiot about a few things. but this is too good to be true and I'm all in now.

I personally don't understand any of this. Gavin said he was exonerated. Do the courts not know this?!

It sounds like double jeopardy to me

Oh I don't know guys it sounds like a big case of he said she said to me. What a hullabaloo.

I don't understand the logic behind a plea forced spell in the dry tank "If you don't drink for x amount of days we'll not bother with this girls broken rib" makes little sense to me.

He got one of them jew lawyers

It's because they don't have enough evidence to convict. If there was solid proof that he beat Dani as she described, they would have no reason not to prosecute. Ant could fight the charges and keep paying his lawyer indefinitely for a good-but-still-uncertain chance at being let off entirely, but he'd be a fool to.

There's no admission of guilt, no trial, no verdict. The charges would be dropped as long as Ant completes whatever program the judge orders.

Probably a combination of rehab and probation.

A plea bargain (also plea agreement, plea deal, copping a plea, or plea in mitigation) is any agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for some concession from the prosecutor. This may mean that the defendant will plead guilty to a less serious charge, or to one of several charges, in return for the dismissal of other charges; or it may mean that the defendant will plead guilty to the original criminal charge in return for a more lenient sentence.[1]

In United States criminal law, adjournment in contemplation of dismissal (ACD or ACOD) may be offered to a defendant in the interest of justice with a view toward ultimate dismissal of the charge[1] The judge usually adjourns the case for a period of six months (sometimes a year) after which time the case will be dismissed as long as the defendant has stayed out of trouble (i.e., has not gotten arrested again). It is neither a form of probation, nor a conviction.

The judge adjourning in contemplation of dismissal may impose specific conditions on the defendant subject to the ACD, which may include community service, drug rehabilitation, making restitution with a victim of the circumstances, avoiding contact with the victim, or completing some other diversion program.

Can't wait for the civil suit.

yeah like the one general lee wore tss tss

More like the one Mayor Vaughn wore.

They can't force innocent people into rehab.

They can and do.

No, but lawyers can recommend that their clients voluntarily go into rehab to influence the judge's decision.



Just like when someone pays off a bullshit lawsuit just to avoid the time and expense of a trial.

This is his best option, even if he's innocent. Given her age and the charge.

If he's innocent, he has to fight the charges. For him, there will be no coming back from admitting he beat the drunk bitch. It will ruin him and the network he's trying to build.

An ACD isn't a settlement or a guilty plea. The charges are dismissed entirely if he goes to rehab.



Given Ants position in the public eye. Any plead deal, to make the charges go away, rehab, summer camp for naughty boys, whatever. Is an admission of "Yup, I beat that boney gold digging bitch in a drunken rage" guilty, so fricking guilty and that would suck. Anytime his name is published or mentioned in a public forum, it will be prefixed with "Known physical abuser of women, Anthony Cumia". He can certainly kiss any appearances on FOX or other media outlets goodbye forever. The same can be said for most/all guest of anything close to celebrity statues.

Anyone else annoyed at this mongoloid for saying "maybe" instead of "may be"?

He may not be guilty of beating Dani, but he may be guilty of havin' a big PECKAH!!!

Tss... Jus' riffin' cock suckahs.


You have a bad attitude.