Saintz on earthz.

50  2016-03-30 by ricswrangler


You can thank us by washing your hair you greasy cunt.

Haha! Bravo.


How far we've fallen.

From shithead sociopaths to vindictive degenerates. What a drop.

You're still a nothing of a whore and a hack with no redeeming qualities, Dani.

But would you fuck her?

Friend, I have fucked much worse with more crazy.

I couldn't fuck her just because she's been with Anthony. I don't want his sloppy seconds. God knows what he did to her or what he gave to her.

Have a few drinks. I have faith in you, buddy.

Keep in mind the Cumia tradition of fucking the same women. Not only will you be following Anthony, you'd also be going after Joe too. That would just creep me out no end. I'd rather she have fucked Vos, Norton and Bobby Kelly before I got to her than if she had fucked those 2 dirty arabs.

No one expects you to marry her.

In the shitter only. Vaginal sex is for respectable women.

I'm going to be honest, I would love to.

Yeah, for sure.

I'd get real gross with it.

Wedge my dick into one of the dents Anthony left

Atta boy!

Dani is that girl Patrice once talked about, laying in a dumpster with trash in her hair that you look at and go "Hmm...she's looking all cute with that little bit of trash in her hair" even though you're married and have kids.

Can't be, I don't want to fuck her. Golum looking ass hoe.

Pandering to this Reddit is like borrowing lots of money from the mafia.

Are you suggesting it doesn't end well??


Dani should linger longer. she clearly doesnt GET the sub

The sub has passed her by

Ants fists should have passed her by

I disagree it went where it should have.

That enemy of my enemy shit doesn't fly here.

We're doing the lords work by wanting BroJoe dead?

Exactly. We're not doing gods work were doing the DEVILS WORK DVVVV DVVVV 😈😈😈

Fawk yeah!

Yes, it must be us. Even the Grim Reaper thinks he's a douche and won't go near him.

i cant wait till this sub gives her the treatment, i really enjoy the memes and gifs

Ewww, don't suck up to us you fucking psycho

She's trying to increase her power rank.

Shut up Dani.

Is the pendulum swinging back the other way?

Just like an overweight, excessively tattooed corpse swinging from a rope in his basement after Opie had him fired.

The clock is ticking until she's Sharon Stone in Casino

Congrats homos

Liar whore liar whore!

And you know it...

You can get it doggy style or lying on your side

Dani loves us? It's time for the pendulum to swing back the other way (yesssssssssss)

Yuck. As far as I'm concerned she is as stupid as Ant except her level of stupidity has been constant where Ant has reached new heights with his.

Dani sucks.

Fuck you cunt, we aint your fucking friend. You are as delusional as Ant was if you think that.

We are just using you to shit on Ant.

We cannot fucking stand you, and see you as what you are.

A greasy headed gold-digging drug addict.

Fuck you and your fathers shitty club.

Weird that you said facts and getting downvoted. Ant is no fucking angel, but this bitch wanted the "gibs" knowing she could make this ugly. If she's such an angel and realized it's toxic, why not walk away? Oh that's right... as much as Ant has substance abuse issues, this seems calculated or at least "scorched earth." Fuck this nut. She is living in his apartment, last this sub has said. Enough bullshitting. Some women use people that arent expecting it. Isn't a new concept. Blame ultimately is with Ant: make better choices since knowing some women will capitalize because they can. It's Ant's fault ultimately.

Thank you, I can give a fuck about downvotes though.

I speak what I feel, sometimes it is logic, sometimes drunken crazyness.

I can understand why I got downvotes, is because some people want to bait Dani here to dish on Ant.

I would rather not give that greasy cunt the attention.

Guys, we have the approval of a mutant drugged-out mentally-deficient whore. Our existences are officially validated!

Ew, but I'm glad none of you seem happy about this hah

To think a year ago she was bragging about sucking Ant's dick here.

Slow down there, fodder.

I wish the lords work had something to do with metastasizing the ovaries of oily boozy pointy nosed marionette-looking cum tanks.

Fuck her

Scorn, whiny woman praises scorn, whiny fans. Terrific.

I oughta fuck you in the mouth, you whore.

You're the one that fucked him, dumbshit.

Now, shuffle off, rodent woman.

But fucking hate you

We still hate you and your asymmetric quadrilateral-esque head

It's too bad, they really were soulmates


I can't wait until it turns back on her again.


No, we thank you Dani.

And you know it...