Got a copy of Ant's flight plan for tomorrow. He's flying to greener pastures.

1  2016-03-30 by Ant_Sucks


You mean bluer pastures

Tunisia, the homeland, is not seeming so welcoming to Anth and his proclivities.

20? Yuck!

NINE?!? Osama's home-away-from-home...fucking Yemen needs to be nukes.

Yuck. 9!? Really Yemen?


Same age as Mohammed's child bride.

Somewhat. The average person in Yemen dies around age 18, so if everybody was waiting till they were legal in the states to have kids then there would be no more Yemenis at all (and yemen would be awesome again). But all the same, ya gotta fuck when ya can fuck.

Jesus. What a garbage nation!

Tunisia is 20?! No wonder Ant abandoned his back-alley knife fighting career and moved to New York.