Is Beavis still alive?

0  2016-03-30 by dolan_the_rapper



He is, though he has broken ribs and a busted paw, because he meowed while Ant was watching a pirated movie.

Too soon man

"I've seen things you can't possibly imagine."

He took him to Niagra falls.

He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it. Samcro Joe was a made man and Beavis wasn't. We had to sit still and take it. It was among the Italians. It was real greaseball shit.

Ant lost interest in him the second he had to get his balls cut off which considering his taste in ladies these days is strange but apparently it was a sign he was too old


Thanks bruh


Him and Skippy are at the bottom of Niagara falls if you catch my drift