"Bubba tends to lie", "I've never met him", "I'm not calling his fucking show to start a radio war over this" Comment, bubs?

7  2016-03-30 by mr__hat

Erock also saying it never happened.


Bubba is a fucking perverted creep cuckold who lets people fuck his wife but secretly films them. Opie would never sink that low. He always respects their privacy.

Why doesn't he just jerk off watching in the corner like a normal cuck.

Keep in mind that Opie completely made up that Adam Corolla story about how rude he was when he went to his show one time.

Not so much a lie as Opie's autism causing him to interpret the situation incorrectly. He probably genuinely believed Adam was snubbing him.

Inventing some story about almost beating someone up in a bathroom over a retarded radio war is on another level.

No. I don't believe this at all. Opie was exploding in a fit of rage over a different thing & completely fabricated that story on the spot.

I guess you're right. Only a literal retard who constantly misinterprets words, body language, and all types of social cues would read the interaction wrong.

I don't remember the details but didn't they just disagree about Carollas tone when he said "what are you doing here?". Just saying whatever it was the story really wasn't completely made up.

Here's what happened.

Adam & Drew are doing a radio show. They go to break. Opie & Anthony walk in. Adam says "Oh hey, what are you guys doing here?". They all make small talk then go back from break.

Delusional Opie version:

"Oh, what are YOU doing here?" then Adam walks away flipping the bird and cursing redheads.

The original story was that Adam Corolla was a total dick. Then I heard Adam's side of the story and realized Opie made it up. Even Adam was perplexed at how it was misinterpreted.

Fuck Bubba, didn't he legally change his name to bubba the love sponge? What a fucking retard.

Opie blew the Corrola story out of proportion because that's what mentally ill people do.

I'm not a big Opie fan but Bubba is fucking horrible.

I knew that story was bullshit when he first told it like 10 years ago. I've been a fan of Adam's since loveline and nothing about Opie's story matched Carolla's personality one bit.

Another case of Opie's severe mental illness.

Why is there debate over the integrity of a guy who allegedly but probably secretly video taped the hulkster (described as his best friend) dropping the leg on his wife after a big crab dinner?

I have serious doubts about the "secretly" part. I think those two are playing the slow con with the intent of raking in a boatload a cash. The Hulkster and "the Love Sponge" are two of the biggest carnies the world has ever seen.

Bubba would be lucky to get the attention of an Anthony or Opie "War".

Yes, I just put Opie above Bubba. He's that bad.

I agree with this, Opie is incapable of handling one of these radio wars without Anthony. Also, their feud with Bubba sucked except when Ant tried to call-in, it didn't work and one of the fans messaged them "Anthony should stick to sheet metal".


You're forgetting that although we love Erock, for some ungodly reason he loves Opie and would most likely defend him.

Erock is a hack at heart. His idols were Scott and Todd, and now Opie. He might be lovable, but he's still a hack who would have been doing a lousy local radio show that they'd Jocktober if he never met O&A.

He's definitely a radio fan at heart, so ipso facto, he's a fan of hacks.

He should call Bubba's show it would be interesting radio , people would want to listen.

It happened. Opie is an established liar.

I guess you're right. Only a literal retard who constantly misinterprets words, body language, and all types of social cues would read the interaction wrong.