Is the cumia family into incest?

47  2016-03-30 by olebillyredface28


60 year old guy in birkenstocks, vaping, groping his relatives. i wonder how u2 feels being associated with him.

i hear edge is pretty bummed about it all... bono's all peace maaaannn


Don't worry he's a nigger



Of course Joe vapes. Of course.


Someone get that asshole some sleeves.

fa la la la la

to cover up his flabby little arms

Sicily is a small island

The influx of African genes every 100 years or so has kept the incest from getting to the point of producing full on mutants.

The only side-boob (in more ways than one) nobody wanted to see.


Yes dear. I believe that was the joke.


He looks like the iron sheik.

But what is he the "World Shampuwin" of?

Sleeveless shirt - check

gay sandals - check

awful tattoos - check

vape pen - check

Who is the nasty looking booze whore in the middle?

That's no way to talk about Gene Wilder.

She just looked like the easiest one to fuck out of the 3.

And she's achieved the unimaginable by being the most unattractive looking between two Cumias.

poor joe looks like a giant potato


Is beasteality incest?

Eww, why even joke like that? The most I ever did to my sisters tit was punch it when she would beat me up. Fuck you, she was five years older and the tit punch always stopped her in her tracks.

There's definitely an Osmond's type situation going on.

Well remember when Ant said he'd fuck his cousin?


On top of being 5'6 he has the worst aesthetics you could ask for.

"I'm not straight outta compton, I'm straight out the trailer."

Dawn is so sexy.

Of course. Don't you see their 14-year-old daughter in the middle?

i think thats joes property

Joe looks like Sid Haig.

I'll cut your fuckin dick off for comparing Sid to this piece of trailer park trash.

Ant's tranny infatuation probably stems from the fact that whenever Dawn was away - derelict Joe would dress his impressionable younger brother in all forms of eclectic women's wear before playing "doctor".

That nigga wearing rubber sandals?

He has zero charm

His girl must've been a piece of ass back in the day, but now, offa.

In what world would she ever have been hot? She looks like Vincent Schiavelli.

Not one of those tattoos is self-funded. Note to Joe: This means your brother paid for your tattoos.

You know how those dune coons get.

That is literally Tony Soprano's house.


The one in the middle looks like a Paul McCartney clone that didn't fully develop.

I doubt it but now that you said it it will be a 100% fact to half these people


Family that lays together stays together.

This is one of the most disturbing things I've seen on this sub. Who the fuck gropes their sister?

No, Joe is just that much of a creepy unfunny loser.

This is stupid.

No, this is Dawn, Joe and some other low class Sicily trash. But yeah, I guess you can just shorten the caption to stupid.


Yes dear. I believe that was the joke.

That's no way to talk about Gene Wilder.

The influx of African genes every 100 years or so has kept the incest from getting to the point of producing full on mutants.

And she's achieved the unimaginable by being the most unattractive looking between two Cumias.