Could you realistically go back to listening to O&A if they were reunited?

16  2016-03-30 by yzyman

Assuming Anthony Norton kicks his addiction to booze, racism, pills and young asshole.


This sub does more 180 degree turns than ant has trannies in his bed. No problem.

Anthony was always on the verge of insanity. But having a real job, getting up early, having to interact with non-mutants... all that shit kept him productive. Now he wakes up at noon, and only interacts with retarded ass kissers. That's why he has sunk so far.

Pretty much what I'm trying to say is, if he had that structure back he would be good again.

Pretty much what I'm trying to say is, if he had that structure back he would be good again.

Probably very true. Not having to do shit other than show up and be funny would help, too.

I absolutely could. I don't care what has happened during the past 2 years, awkward O&A is still way better than the shit we are getting now.

A show where they openly hated each other would be fantastic.

And Jim is middle of the road guy the entire show

Probably for about 3-6 months before I started bitching about how lazy and unprepared they are. I think they just turned into irrelevant old men when the show split.

Apology clock 2016? What are some of those other bits we got?


I never heard anybody complain about the bits we have, they play pretty good. Whip'em out Wednesdays um what's the names of them other bits?

Ozone midget sighting

Rock scream Tuesday.

Is Tom Alive Friday

Cat noise Wednesday.

Leave my tits out of this Thursday


Lasagna Hat Leap Year


Will never happen though.

No. I had quit listening years before Anthony was beaten up by a woman and then lost his job for having a hissy fit on twitter.

All the things you don't like about Anthony now never effected the show. if they got back together it would probably at least be as a good as it was around the end of its run in 2014. I'd probably listen to youtube segments of the first few, but eventually give up after a few months like I did with O&J.


In December I might have said yes :(

Fuck yes. It's the best case scenario for everyone involved. They'd fight for a week or two and then everything would get back to normal.

Not likely, Ant was going off on 30m yell filled rants for months and months before he left. Was bad radio.


I'd listen at first but I have a feeling it'd be pretty bad. Both have gone so far from what the show used to be they can never recapture what made it work again.

He'll never be in the same room as that guy. Period.


It would be a totally different show as we now know 99% of the shit they say is totally bullshit


Yes 100% I miss da show. Crank up that ecstasy of gold one more time!

I could easily. I still want it to happen one day. My only issue would be all the past arguing they've done. I still can't listen to an O&A clips without noticing moments where they didn't seem to be enjoying talking to each other. Hopefully that gets sorted before any sort of reunion happens.

Now that I know that they weren't really friends and secretly hated each other, a lot of jabs they threw were less fun ribbing and more underhanded catty. That being said there aren't any other good shows to listen to. I'd torrent it.

Everyone on this sub would definitely at least listen to the first show. *fag voice :DRAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Something tells me that your regular voice is your fag voice.


I would. But it would always be weird. People like Opie don't get over shit. There would be so much passive aggressive bullshit.

I would absolutely go back. I'd probably even pay for Sirius this time.

Opie's voice even makes it hard for me to listen to old shows. There's no way.

We're back - and better than ever. Opie and Anthony, Sunday nights only on the Boneyard on Sirius xm

Yes, as long as they got behind the one uniter....ERock bashing.

In a heartbeat.

I'd feign interest but after the shit they've both said and done to each other I'd just assume everything they say is a lie

You all seem to still listen to both of them quite frequently. TRANNIES! ALCOHOLISM! PEDOPHELIA! AIDS! RACISM!!11!! Am I doing this right?

No you're not, actually.

No you're not, actually.