What kind of poems should Ant write while in rehab? (Streaks like fire across princeton house)

0  2016-03-29 by [deleted]

Roses are red, violets are blue... its hard for me to admit i gave a hummer to sue


Hickory dickory dock

I sucked a tranny's cock

They found out online

gave me a hard time

I couldn't figure out who to doxx

Ah giiiiii!

He caught me in mommys shoes

My secret is out

He gives me the blues

Because i was gay, just about

i wish i was like daddy

Then hed love me

Thats why i drink

But i fuck guys cause im horny


Sun shining brightly through my window

Waking me from a dream I do not know

Pleasant memories of times long past

Childhood gone, it could not last

Sitting here facing my inner pain

My actions while drunk I cannot explain

But I am here now so go figure

Just for snapping a pic of a nigger


Ah giiiiii!