Would love to watch Gavin track down Brother Joe's ex-gf and interview her as the courageous domestic violence victim she truly is

29  2016-03-29 by HerpesLipStrangler

but even Gavin won't be able to arrange that


They could call it Pan's Labyrinth.

(Rimshot drum roll)

He couldn't even get Ants ex wife.

What's the backstory on this? Did he really smack a woman around?

As far as I know, Joe Cumia from the band 2U beat his ex girlfriend with a frying pan. You might be able to Google it and find that Joe Cumia beat his ex girlfriend with a frying pan.


Gavin is a cuck for the Cumias. He even used to (maybe still does?) dedicate large portion of his show to opie gossip when tranthony was mad at him.

Well you used his favorite word you Gavin fan you