I wonder if Colin told Ant he wouldn't be doing his show or if he just ignores Keith's calls

20  2016-03-29 by Lilcumia

Think the last appearance was the first show of that shiny new studio.


Colin is very busy between 4 and 6

. He probably is just only actually friends with Jimmy and that's why he did o&a to begin with

Why would anyone bother to entertain 10k people at best, shitty youtubers have more reach than ant.Its just sad at this point

shitty youtubers have more reach than ant.

That's actually very true. There are a LOT of shitty Youtubers that have much larger followings than Ant, and at most you see them asking for money through Patreon, if anything. Not the ol' pro Anthony though, his talents will cost you $7 a month.

It's the quality and media professionalism we pay for, you want better content and top of the line guests you need to pay for it. This sub smh.

We don't want top of the line guests. We want Ant to be more funny.

You just don't get the brilliance of Anthony, the man tells the truth to our faces about the world but you reject the truth! SHAME SHAME SHAME

Andy is an artist going unrecognized during his life. Only in posterity will Andy Cumia's genius be fully recognized

This guy, he gets it. Walthony Cronkkkite is a hero, sorry I had a bit of a stutter mid sentence where was I?

So Andy Cumia needs to die to be appreciated? Sort of like Andy Kaufman?

Yes, if Andy Kaufman was an unoriginal woman-beating racist pedophile.

Fair point.

He was the intergender champ tho.


Colin lives all the way downtown. Do you have any idea how many subway stops that is? It might even involve a transfer.

TACS pays for an Uber if Colin saves his receipts. He'll get a reimbursement check in 8 weeks after submitting his expenses. TACS treats their guests right, but Colin won't take the chance TACS is bankrupt in a month and doesn't get the reimbursement. Cheap ass nigger.

'cheap ass nigger'. I knew you'd bring it home!

he doesn't deserve to be back after spilling his drink everywhere, that lovable oaf

Was the Dani lap sitting show before or after the drink spill show?

Didn't Colin bounce Dani on his lap on air not long before the rib kicking good time at the compound?

Colin was on in December with Dan Naturman

Only on the phone after he said he couldn't come to the studio.

Was that when he lost his wallet?