How Trant eyes down his boy toys in the compound

9  2016-03-29 by [deleted]


His shirt screams isis.

So does his ethnicity.

Hopefully one day we'll see Ant star in one of their videos.

The shirt says Kafir, or nonbeliever, in Arabic. He's an American renegade. I'm assuming he stopped wearing it because liberal teens picked up on it.

If Ant didn't have money, he'd be in jail for some sort of sexually deviant act. Money has given him opportunity to partially satisfy his sick appetite for young girls.

Take away the $$, he'd be the most miserable fuck on earth. Knocking tin for 40 years & an even worse alcoholic than he is now....with a voracious zest for prepubescent girls....he'd absolutely be in jail.

What a gargoyle.