Anthony's show is the new Sam Roberts pre/post show

76  2016-03-28 by Dennyislife


Why does Ant find it so hard to keep Opie's name, & tranny dick, out of his mouth?

That part makes sense... Literally the only time his basement podcast has had any sort of heat (aside from at the debut) is when he goes after Opie. He just isn't aware enough to realize that part of the appeal of him doing that is watching his only lifeline to an actual broadcast career get burnt further and further.

It's embarrassing but I'm still going to listen to a pirated version of it and not listen again until something like this happens again.

Because they are both really good at getting money out of him

Oh, now he wants us back to shit on Opie with him?
No Ant, go fuck yourself.

He should either support Opie or keep his desperate wop yap shut. Opie has not aired Ant's dirt once.

No, he never had the balls to. He just implied over and over that he "Knew stuff". Faggot move.

Nope, you're wrong fella.

Tough talk from a GAY man.

Hey im not gay... Just because I enjoy the look of a nice shaft doesn't mean I take it in me... I take it in me.

Just because Anthony is now hated here everyone seems to think Opie needs to be loved, what the fuck is going on in here?

Looks like you met the Philly Crew.

Don't soon forget it, punk.


Riding Opie coattails again. Just in time. Another month is ending with a big stack of subscription cancellations. Your desperation is showing, Tranpa.

Riding Opie coattails again.

Isn't that the story of his life? He may be more funny than Opie, but he still couldn't make anything out of it without Opie's narcissism and insecurity.



I like that an account called @Torpid_Sloth is calling him out. It's almost as if his own fans turned on him for acting like a crybaby faggot and are not just SJW libtards or whatever his sycophants claim everyone are.

Yeah, he finally blocked me when I gave him shit about buying followers. He deserves every bit of this hate

Now @HOLDONHOLDONHO is joining in. Accounts created to talk shit to Opie are turning on him lol

Are you torpid_sloth?

that shit is hilarious to me. trust me, sjws have not heard one second of anything opie or anthony have ever done

Oh my god, how embarrassing.

Anthony's show is doing incredibly poorly.

Fuck you Ant. You really are a school-girl bitch.

I'd rather hear about what went on in court today. Did Gavin and Luis set the judge straight about Anthony being exonerated?

The visual of them showing up in court with all of his other groupies, heads shaved, chanting with swastikas on their foreheads is pretty funny to be honest.

The Transon Family

I roll the nickels.

in their sleeveless shirts and white New Balance sneakers

they should wear counter-clockwise buddhist swastikas, so that when they get called out by the PC judge, they can be like "no this is a buddhist hindu swastika you ignorant fuck!" and it totally won't backfire on them

This is so pathetic.

Want the "inside dirt" ? Come scoop the tranny shit out the slit of my penis.


One time I pulled out of a girl's asshole and there was so much shit under my bell end that I had to take a Q-tip and wipe it out. It was already congealed enough to break off in pieces. I later created multiple reddit accounts alluding to the event.


Now that's stuck in my head... thanks...

Say you wanna blow meeee

Somewhere right now anthony is on the phone with Keith "I said to word the tweet so I didn't sound pathetic!"

So pathetic. For some one he hates, he sure as hell cant stop talking about him

Jesus's he is pathetic. Wasn't greggshells around this time last year as well?

Remember how people actually thought Ant having a "shit on Opie show" was going to somehow destroy OpieRaqio and drive Jimmy to TACS? Fuck we were stupid back then.

Yes. You were stupid if you believed that.

Pretty sure zero people thought that.

Well obviously nobody thought it would happen, but a lot of people wanted it to. Before Ant did his first Greggshells show, it was still pretty easy to catch shit here for pointing out how terrible Ant's show was. He'd been teasing an Opie bashing for...what the fuck am I doing. Who cares about a boring O&A sub history lesson. I'm a faggot.


I would actually love that, if he did it every show, or maybe once a week. Just dissected OnJ about how shitty it is.

Sure as hell would be more interesting than another Joe DeVito appearance.

I guess, if Ant had any business trashing the O&J show. But TACS has been never been better than O&J and the last thing Ant wants to do is draw attention to the quality of either show.

People's 1 year subscriptions must be running out.

What a fucking non story

Nothing yet. Just Cumia watching old 50's - 80's youtube clips, and lamenting the future. He announced he doesn't like millennial comedy, finds it just a lot of unfunny yelling and oddness. Singled out Rick and Morty.

Time waster with the Deadliest Catch guys now.

Rick and Morty is fucking funny. Him not understanding that is symptomatic of a lot of his problems.

He understands it perfectly. It just a little to close to home. He is a less successful Rich Sanchez. It also makes him sad he has no little grandson to pal around with

Nah, it's less than 20 years old. Funny for ant is a good Reagan impression or I love Lucy reference.

I figured he would love this. It has everything he loves, 80's movie references, and suckin peckas

It's good but it's no Gunsmoke.

Only funds outdated comedy funny. Just like his impressions of people that are mostly dead. Ugh. Pathetic.

Anthony asking Jackie about Bubba. Jackie giving him nothing, just defending Hulk and a person's right to privacy. Poor Jackie getting dragged into this. They're using Braun's clip.

Anthony backing Opie. Both Jackie and Anthony laughing at Bubba fixing the ratings, seems to be the end of the Bubba talk.

Jackie and Anthony getting along. Jackie still telling the same stories though, but it's ok, Jackie is like a funny grand uncle. His age is showing though.

Anthony claims a lot of what the public sees is an act or figment of their imagination. He's interested in how Jackie finds being sober.

Jackie loves Bennington, thinks Norton doesn't like him.



Tim and Eric's show was original and hilarious. If you laughed at the viral video of Trump saying "Jeb is a MESS" (mike bump) (air horn) then you would like Tim and Eric, it ripped their style.

I would certainly understand him not liking Tim and Eric though. I like their stuff personally but I have friends who I consider funny themselves who despise them. Ant pointing out one of the cleverest comedies in years just confirms that his supposed surface-level knowledge of everything under the sun (a huge point of pride for him) stopped growing about a decade ago. Concepts like a multiverse just confuse and scare the dumb old swampdonkey now.

Not too desperate

Such over the top faggotry.

Right on ant! Give us the dirt on some uninteresting radio feud from like 2008. That'll get the country talking...

Translation - "Please pay Netflix money for one of the only paid podcasts in 2016."

Gregshells 3: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend.

(or until I need a Gregshells 4).

Big scoop is that Ant doesn't recall such an encounter ever happening. Keith pumping up absolutely nothing

That's really it? I smell new bit.

Want the inside dirt on Donald Trump calling Ben Carson a black bastard? Tune in at 4pm.

"Yeah, never happened. And here's Jackie The Jokeman"

So Anthony's show has basically devolved into a dirtsheet for Opie's show. Wow.

Anthony better go full blown attack on Bubba and back the guy he was in the trenches with all those years, despite their relationship now. In fact it's time those idiots mend fences

I demand an awkward reunion show.

No Anthony acknowledgement of Bubba calling TACS small potatoes and a podcast?

This is Ant's big chance. If he goes after Bubba hard and says a nice thing or two about Opie, The Opster will be all in with the Ant again.

I hate myself for getting intrigued

Wait, didn't he feign this whole "Never say never in this business" crap for the Luis puff piece interview the other day? Unless it's just to trash Bubba, which I doubt, this probably means Opie has been ignoring his texts after a substantial subscription dropoff.

Honestly if Anthony wants any shot at having a show that anyone cares about, he needs to go full drama mode ala Ron & Fez toward the end. I'd listen every day if he talked about behind the scenes shit. I don't care about his opinions on shit we've already heard him blab about for hours

Is Anthony going to start blowing Opie so he can get an afternoon drive spot on Opieradio?

Anybody got a stream?

Or he is going to say that Bubba is a fucking tool and he ran when he saw them.

I hope these two kill each other spectacularly.

Jesus was the only reason I tuned in and it was like 2 minutes...

Shit show





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So the announcement isn't gonna be "The Joe Devito Show"? Well, thats a bummer.

To be fair, it doesn't really say he's going to 'shit' on Opie. His take could be that Bubba was never in the offices and that Opie is right.

Thats literally all that he said on the subject.


No. Sam's hour-long post-show was actually good.

Lets not get crazy here, guy.


2016-03-28 18:37:08 UTC

Want the @AnthonyCumia inside dirt on what really happened between @BTLSRadio & @OpieRadio? Tune in today 4pm on

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Want the @AnthonyCumia inside dirt on what really happened between @BTLSRadio & @OpieRadio?


Sam wouldn't have been allowed to talk about this on his pre/post show- all he would have been allowed to say was "Maybe Opie will talk about this today"

Yeah, how could he possibly have any insight into what actually happened regarding Bubba and Opie? He's probably just spitballing. Broken Ribs! Tranny Dick! Pedophile! Am I doing this right?


Can you really believe anything that comes out of his mouth anymore?

I think people believed Sue's AMA.

Oh. You said comes out of his mouth. My bad. Carry on.

"You fawkin nailed that cock sucka! Take us out you fat piecha gawbage!"

I only believe things that are true or can be proven true. Reddit speculation doesn't convince me of anything. HE FUCKS ANIMALS! PASS IT ON! I am assuming that IF his case w/dani comes out to be bullshit and he is exonerated, he won't get a weeks worth of apologies from this Sub? If it goes the other way, I will be the first on here shitting on him.

how could he possibly have any insight into what actually happened regarding Bubba and Opie

How could anyone possibly give a shit about his "insight" on that? Dae le niggers! Guns! Open and honest! Am I doing this right? Shut up, you bore.

I wish someone or something would just go ahead and take your life

Good point.