How are you celebrating Edgar day on Friday?

5  2016-03-28 by [deleted]



In going to celebrate by jacking off on as many public toilet seats as possible.

That's the spirit.

aHm GoOnA rUnE uH MaUrUhThAhN.,.,.,.,.

AhPrIl FaHlS..,.,.,.,



I recently have been hired by Comcast to do tech support so I will be hitching up my cousin vihaan's llama and heading into town 4 days a week starting Friday. Unfortunately this cuts into my tacs listening time but nothing can be done about that. I will be making more rupees here than I ever did at the emerald mines.

I'll probably make an Edgar post here and then quickly delete it when I realize that there are already dozens of them that were all downvoted except for one or two.

With a dry assed mouth nigger.