DEVELOPING NOW : Bubba the Love Sponge talking shit about Opie on Howard

77  2016-03-28 by FrunkisOA


I don't know gang, it's one thing for us to make fun of Opie... But this southern cuck needs to shut his face.

He might be an unfunny, big breasted sloth, but he's our unfunny big breasted sloth.

Exactly. At first glance I came into this thread thinking "Fuck, I dont want to like Bubba The Love Sponge now." But yeah, Fuck him. Fuck Opie a little bit less, at least he facilitated laughter for us. What has Bubba besides bring us The Hulksters thick cock.

Fuck with the bull, cuck, you get the horns.

anytime Bubba hears the word 'bull' he plumps up a little

Circle the wagons

Opie is our retarded cousin. We can talk shit and beat him up but when an outsider starts shit, he's got to get a beating.

Like the Philly Crew?!


Good on you sir! I agree!

As much I hate Opie I fucking loathe Bubba. Doing stupid shit like shock the puss and even backing down when Louis C.K. called him on his shit. Not to mention paying for his ratings and lying about being number one in anything that's not hotel surveillance. It's like if you gave someone in the San Fernando Valley a radio show persona.

nailed that sock cucka.

I remember him threatening to beat up Opie back in the day on the air and stuff. Guy is a douchebag.

Oh he is a piece of shit as well. I'm not an animal rights douchebag but God it was fucking disturbing when they had that BBQ and he slit that pigs throat. Again I'm all for bacon but to broadcast it live for no reason than ratings is what people's fear goes to and what puts fcc on harsh regulations mode and seriously I just wish there was a video of Bubba being pegged so I could finally see this douchebag get something. I mean Tranth is white trash while Bubba is the bedrock that said white trash is built on.


San Fernando Valley.....So, Carolla?


San Fernando Valley.....So, Carolla?


Your phone crapped out dude what did you say?

San Fernando Valley.....So, Carolla?


Oh, you know it. Glendale is like the Harlem of Armo's. Jewelry stores can't even keep their shelves stocked.

He's from North Hollywood, doe.

So am I. (Well, Valley Village. A euphemism for North Hollywood.)

Leave the crazy valley radio personalities to me and my podcast, Live From The 405. Free on iTunes and Stitcher. Fuck Bubba the Love Sponge. Oh and I think Leykis is in the valley too, technically. I think he has a show on AM that doubles as a podcast. Or he used to? Idk.

That could not have been less interesting.

Yes it could have. I could have told you the brief history of how Valley Village was incorporated in the later 80s, as a proposition by homeowners to disassociate themselves with North Hollywood. It was becoming nothing but low rent apartment complexes attracting lower income/less desirable residents. Valley Village has a disproportionate Jewish population, and another fact that made me sad: a median resident age above 34 years old, considered "old" for Los Angeles. Fuck me.

In the 1970s, the San Fernando Valley was the #1 most desirable community to live in the United States.

I'm going to upvote you, but I actually found this interesting.

Go on...

Something very similar happened with Balboa Park in Van Nuys, a township so new it was incorporated in the late 90s. That was my initial residence whence I moved to Los Angeles. (I loved that apartment) As Peter Falk said in "Made:" Is there a PATTERN...FORMING here?

The San Fernando Valley completely wrecked its property value in many formerly quaint, desirable suburbs by littering the landscape with cheap, ugly apartment buildings catering to low income residents. Crime went up, crappy strip malls formed everywhere. Illegal immigrants poured in and basically brought Tijuana with them, instead of, y'know, assimilating to their new home.

That said I still love the valley, I always stay as close to Ventura blvd as possible (Never lived south of Victory blvd, the dividing line). At night the hills twinkle with little lights like a model train set, and you can see tiny cars putting along Mulholland drive. The whole place still looks exotic and strange to me, even ten years in. I love valley girls, which are still a thing out here, they entertain the shit out of me. I live a block away from the bar Quiz Kid Donnie Smith has most of his scenes in from Magnolia. (Paul Thomas Anderson is mostly responsible for my living/adoration of the place, swear to god)

I think they're both lying. They did meet in a bathroom. Bubba wasn't going to beat Opie's ass. They sucked each other's freshly shitted assholes.

He creamed all over his fudgie wudgie bar.

suck for a buck

I really doubt that happened.

🎶 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh literaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll u/QuantumTabbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🎶

Anybody seen that fat slob recently? He looks like Jackie Chan at 950 pounds.

Bubba should know you don't want to see a Hughes brother get angry.


I get embarrassed for opie whenever i think about that video


Damn right!! Opie would scream LEAVE IT ALONE LEAVE IT ALONE!! Which is the trigger word for Kenny to burst through the bathroom door and beat the living shit out of Bubba. And after Kenny finishes up Opie walks over and slaps Bubba and kicks him in the ribs a few times and then tells everyone he beat down Bubba. And Kenny will of course lie for him. "Yeah GH you beat that Bubba guy good."

Sometimes less is more, my friend.

Only if you're taking a tranny cock up your shitter for the first time.

Just picturing kenny bursting through the bathroom wall koolaid man style and saying "where is he GH?"

radio wars!!! wooooooorrrrllldddd staaaaaaaarrrr

Obviously we hate these trio of cucks, but let's be honest, Bubba is the scumiest, worst of the shock jocks. All though NASCAR "gangster" talk. If he had beat up Opie, why wait 10 years to say it? They had legit beef years ago. He would of brought it up then.

I'm not having a half wit, Floridian cuckold just come in and take a few pumps on our best gal without permission! I mean, if a cuck does that to us, what does that make us? I'm trying to pour gas on this fire!!

NICE! A good old fashion radio war. Go get'm Opie and don't play nice.


I once almost slept with Sue Lightning.

I mean I've imagined doing it and thought it would be awesome, so that counts as almost doing it, right?

Umm, your comment doesn't really pertain to the topic of the original post. You should consider re-posting it in an appropriate thread. Or better yet, make your own!

I'm just being helpful :) have a terrific day.

Quantum Sinnamin brightening the mood wherever he goes.

You're a bit dim aren't ya?


Is this a Bot or something? I think it might be broken.

Ha. I was just listening to an old clip from 2008 about how bubba said if Sirius took on OnA after the merger he would quit. Of course he didn't though.

Probably like how he told his wife he would leave her if she fucked Hulk Hogan but instead he filmed them fucking and got off on it.

I'm beginning to think this Bubba character might not be very intimidating.

remember ona threaten to start their own podcast network year after years

Don't mess with the Opster, bubba, you fuck face.

Yeah, or it's going to be a really bad day for you...

You don't tug on Supermans cape, don't spit into the wind, don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger and you sure don't mess around with the Opster and his budday Jim

"...if he did try that bullshit it would have been a really bad day for him."

Why? Because Kenny follows you and Norton everywhere you go? You're not making anyone's day bad. Pussy.

Besides the people that listen to his shitty show.

Well! I think that goes without saying!

Is Opie tweeting this in the middle of a show?

They're in repeats.

Dont fuck with Opie. Trust me.


Crew checking in

It sounds vaguely familiar. Like they might have actually met in the bathroom and opie talked about it in a positive way when it happened.

I was thinking the same thing, but wasn't sure if it was Bubba or Baba Booey.

You're probably thinking of Opie's run-in with Artie Lange.


I Guess when you're such a piece of shit that your wife would rather fuck Hulk Hogan you have a lot of time to think up shit to talk.

I hate Opie but I hate Bubba so much more. Bubba is just saying this to get some traction and kiss Howard's ass

His fuckin guy using cc on Twitter Jesus

was hoping someone else noticed that, thx

Nice dude, thanks.

Is this tuddle from Ron and Fez that uploaded this?

think it's a troll account

All parties involved are faggots who cares

Stand back... here comes THE DESTROYER!

Probably the only person in radio worse than Opie.

Notice he doesn't mention Dennis Falcone! Bubba knows who in radio you don't fuck with.

ME: "I swear, I've never even HUURD of this guy Bubba The Love, wait what was it Erock? Luffa? Sponge? Sponge, that's right. No idea."

No clewww

We all know Bubba is lying because we all know Opie can't take a piss without Kenny.

Otherwise he will pee all over his balls.

Lets all be reminded Bubba the Love Sponge is the same person who refused to take the stand during the Hulk Hogan trial because he knew he would perjure his radio appearance where he stated Hogan knew he was making a sex tape.

He has literally thousands of things he could insult Opie with, but instead talks about how he "almost" kicked Opie's ass.

im not noying.

This is the first time I've expected to be Rich-Rolled. I'm a little gutted that it wasn't a list of Vos's dates

Lol, rich rolled, why is it the first time I've seen it called this?

I know I'll probably catch shit for this, but the whole reason I started listening to Opie and Anthony is because of Bubba The Love Sponge. I grew up listening to him in Tampa and always found his show appealing. I loved the way he would get genuinely fired up about O&A trashing him and challenge them to fights. Its because of him that I listened to a few clips of them trashing him that were really funny and instantly got hooked. Bubba is a white trash scumbag, but he's damn entertaining. He's got this guy Mike Waters working for him who is insanely talented. His Sirius show was really good. I wish we could just go back to that time. There were a lot of good things happening in radio. Now its just fucking sad.

His sirius show was really good? I listened to a decent amount it was mostly teasing and then doing over the top shock jock bits or planning out what they wanted to eat after the show.

Love tough guy Opie!

Bubba is one of the few people that transcends Opie hate

Opie is a black ninja, fuckface!

What a fat faggot. Why would he care about Opie talking shit about Howard? What a ball licking cuck

Bubba is a complete fucking cunt. I hope Opie, Jim and even Anthony all smash him. This could be the ultimate chance to have them all on the same page again. The last time they had a radio war it was Anthony who was hitting him the hardest if I remember right. I had a clip of Anthony coming out of nowhere during a show to announce Bubba had gotten canned over bad performance on some of his stations and Anthony took a good 15 seconds to laugh at him and insult him/his show around 2010 (old youtube channel that got terminated from TACS copyrights). Fuck Bubba, I hate everything about that cunt. If Norton is a worm then Bubba is Jabba the Hut. I hope they cut vacation short now. Bubba is probably just mad that they've been talking about his involvement in the Hogan case

Does anyone actually believe Bubba? He's always been a liar and a complete hack.

Ahhhhhhhhh shee-it! Are we gonna have a sissy slap-fight go down? Let's get it on, shock-n-jocks!

Wurlll Stah!!!!!!!

We need to go into pat battle mode and organize a pest attack. Do any of the old o and a army generals post here like general bam or dugout Doug?

Dugout Doug! R.I.P :(

he died?

Would have been a 'really bad day for him'? Bubba could twist Opie into a pretzel.

I can't imagine an argument between two more hateable people.

Yes, I feel like Tom Leykis is going to run in as Bubba's surprise tag team partner in this.

New game show. 8th graders or Octogenarians.

One guy almost nobody has heard of says he almost did something to someone almost nobody has heard of ... on a show hosted by somebody virtually everybody has heard of. Got it!

I could really give a shit. Who wants to hear Bubba and Opie get into it? At least Howard would be listenable back and forth, but Bubba and Opie? I'll pass.

Bubba is a POS, but Opie is not exactly "honest"

why does anyone really care about what a washed up cuck florida man says?

Bubba is trying to get heat off of Opie? That's....pathetic. It's like watching a quadruple amputee try to go after a kid with half a brain.


Pretty sure Kenny would have worked that douche. And if we all recall, he does follow them in there.

He wipes down Opie and Jimmy after they're finished.

ok, here is More Bubba audio.

In the first two minutes Bubba brags about beating Rob, Arnie, and Dawn in the ratings. Dear god that show got Jocktobered back in the day. Wow is he a bad ass

Somebody needs to tell this faggot that Op is our punching bag, and ours alone.

Kenny would straight wreck that dude.

It's hard to find ways to make fun of a slob who gets off watching his buddies fuck his wife on camera.

My nigga Opie woulda dropped that cheeseburger belly fuck boy.

Torpid low energy sloth. Reminds me of a gayer Jeb. Trump 2016.

Fuckem both. I dont listen to Bubba so he irrelevant other than being a fame whore. Anything to twist Opie's Titties bring me joy. If this is all a lie and not a ploy to get these needy bitches attention, then Opie would sue. If it is true, we will see more Gregshells. I say neither happens, and hope the worst for them both.

I may only be well versed in bird law, but even I know he couldn't sue for this

He probably could sue, but "almost beat him up the bathroom" is a lot harder (if not impossible) to prove than something like what Chris Kyle said about Jesse Ventura

Probably right. I spent only about 2 minutes scanning opies tweet and other reddit comments. I have no clue what was actually said today. Just felt confident based off his track record on real allegations, but I expect neither cause this is a work for Opie to feel relevant.

Besides the people that listen to his shitty show.

Probably like how he told his wife he would leave her if she fucked Hulk Hogan but instead he filmed them fucking and got off on it.

I'm beginning to think this Bubba character might not be very intimidating.

remember ona threaten to start their own podcast network year after years