Gavin vs Fags & Feminists.

0  2016-03-27 by CigarsNCrotch


Those 3 fags are the kind of guys who post here.

So lemme guess, you're a caveman who supports the patriarchy MAAAN!

EDIT: I do notice if you say fag or faggots, you can get a lot of downvotes so your assessment may be pretty accurate.

Sorry, I'll check my privilege.

That host and his intro were the gayest shit ever.

"Oh, good you found some anecdotal evidence to prove your point"

Gavin does that often, but it made me laugh that he mocked that queer's voice.

That fag deserved it, They tried to gang up on him like 5 vs 1 and he still made them look foolish. He gets my respect for that.

Seen it