Tranth has been schooling all the idiots on politics this eve.

6  2016-03-27 by FootThingOnHisFoot


It just seems exhausting, the way he's into politics. Outside of the occasional gut-kick to a meth head, what does he do to escape it?

Nah, it's perfectly healthy! Ant just has a voracious appetite for current events and tranny peckah!

There is nothing else out there to talk about. If you want the latest happenings with insipid celebrities there's always O&J.

Pretty smooth transition into making it about Obama. Classic ant.

Remember when he made up that story about the youngster yelling "Obama president naaaaow!"

Fucking loser.

Remember when he linked an article of some white woman who had been assaulted, but like 8 black guys had been falsely accused of doing it? He tweeted out the article, but didn't realize that it explained why the black dudes were innocent. He clearly hadn't actually read the article, just blindly tweeted it because it was race related. Dumb

Im willing to bet that somewhere in america that did happen, but not to Ant. Remember "obama phone" lady?

In newark, nj there were people running in the streets yelling we in the crib now and chanting the crib. It was hilarious.

Did he buy more followers again?

If you're reading this Keith, please change his password.

I wonder how many people on twitter he has converted to his side? Oh that's right none. What a fucking bore he is.

Im calling it.... when Ant finally moves to Texas he will start dabbling in Survivalism. Its the logical next step. Hes already reclusive, he doesnt eat or consume any really fancy stuff, loves the guns and is increasingly angry at society

He isn't moving anywhere. He's a coward.

Yup. Take him outside of NYC and he's lost.

Unless Ant's found guilty for child abuse so him and Keith go on the run like Thelma and Louise.

Has Ant ever left the country?

They've all gone to Just for Laughs in Montreal.

I doubt it. He doesn't seem like the type to even be interested in other cultures. It's like differences in cultures are all measured in "worse than America." he'd be a huge ugly American anyway so it's probably all for the best.

He could be Glenn Beck's fellow exiled neighbor.

If that old alcoholic is able to lift split a log not even chop off a tree, I'd be impressed.

Smh I don't like how Anthony sells out his people like this


2016-03-26 22:36:57 UTC

Our system doesn’t allow for a dictator. If it did, Obama would never let the 2016 election take place.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

dictator whats that like a pecka in a potato or sumpthin

LOL, i remember a bunch of my super-leftie friends saying Bush was going to declare martial law and cancel the 2004 and 2008 elections. Everything old is new again!

I actually lived trough an actual dictatorship that is still partially going on. This is bullshit. You Americans have it so good it's hard to imagine you would complain about anything.

Please keep shitting on us while enjoying your dictator-less life here!

Im willing to bet that somewhere in america that did happen, but not to Ant. Remember "obama phone" lady?

Nah, it's perfectly healthy! Ant just has a voracious appetite for current events and tranny peckah!

Remember when he linked an article of some white woman who had been assaulted, but like 8 black guys had been falsely accused of doing it? He tweeted out the article, but didn't realize that it explained why the black dudes were innocent. He clearly hadn't actually read the article, just blindly tweeted it because it was race related. Dumb

There is nothing else out there to talk about. If you want the latest happenings with insipid celebrities there's always O&J.