Have you any of you ever seen the guy who decides the hate groups at the Southern Poverty Law Center. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time

0  2016-03-25 by Ant_Sucks


Isn't this faggot one of those Turks who still denies the Armenian genocide?

that and his schtick is being the progressive bill oreilly

Cenk is so cute. He names his "news" organization after the group that performed the Armenian genocide, and then tries to gin up fear for hate groups.

Watched the video...man, what's up with that, what's up with that?

1:24 if the link doesn't work

ME: Da Juh!

here's Cenk laughing at gun owners.


Morris dees?

He looks like Fez

that and his schtick is being the progressive bill oreilly